“Oh my sweet Saturday,I have been waiting for you for six long days”― Charmaine J Forde It is not secret round here that I LOVE Fridays. They are definitely my …
Impact Play
“Make yourself come thinking about today” Today? Ohhh yes today I thought to myself a happy smile on my lips as I laid back against the pillows. I had anticipcated …
The current prompt for Kink of the Week is Play Punishment or Funishment as it is sometimes called. Having written this piece I realise I have mostly written about real …
Hit me with your rhythm stickHit me, hit meJe t’adore, ich liebe dichHit me, hit me, hit me~ C. Jankel / I. Dury I have spent the last week muttering …
Those of you who are eagled eyed will probably be able to spot that this is a picture from the past because there is a distinct lack of pubic hair. …
I love impact play but for many more reasons than just the contact of hard thing against poor bottom. I love when he says it is time. Sometimes he already …
So last for the A – Z challenge I did Yoga for the letter Y. I wrote about how good doing yoga every day had been for me and I …
“…when pain is over, the remembrance of it often becomes a pleasure.” ~ Jane Austen Ahhh Jane, little did you know when you wrote this that so many years later …
Extend your hand with the strongest reach. – Mary Anne Radmacher
“What the hand does the mind remembers.” ~ Maria Montessori And just in case I should forget he took a picture for me. On Thursday The Gentleman and I managed …
X marks the spot It has been a very long time since anyone beat me. I don’t mean some spanking or rough sex, I mean a real proper beating. One …
“your gaze across my cheeks turned them into strawberry fields.” ~ Sanober Khan
There really is nothing else quite like a damn good flogging. I love a big heavy leather flogger that, if used right, can almost knock the wind out of me. …
“A bruise is a lesson… and each lesson makes us better.”~ George R. R. Martin Me: You gonna teach me a lesson? Him: Fuck yes and not just one either …
We have been together coming up for 9 years if you count the first few months of our relationship before we met in person. If you don’t know the history, …