Trolling the Net #47

by Molly Moore
qwerty keyboard Trolling Net 34# #SSoS

Welcome to Saturday. Isn’t it fabulous that it is here yet again? I hope you have some delicious weekend plans and to help you along with that I have some reading suggestions for you to enjoy…


The Problem with Panic by Carsie Blanton

It has been a week filled with lots of talk that has arisen from the Aziz Ansari piece. If you have managed to miss that you must be living under a rock and I suggest you google it to help you understand what I am going to say. I have seen a fair few people saying that talking about what happened, the discussing and debating the actions of Grace and Ansari is not OK. Well I say fuck that, it is in fact absolutely vital that we can and do talk and debate and listen because the moment we stop doing that we are truly fucked. Anyway, this piece by Carsie Blanton is without a doubt the best thing I have read on this subject. It is a thoughtful, thought provoking and nuanced piece that if you are in any way interested in this topic I urge you to read. It is a long one, but totally worth your time.

Here we go by Cara Thereon

And related, this brilliant piece by Cara talks about how having conversation is so very important because if we don’t we miss opportunities for change. Wise words!

A Life in Three Tweets by Pain as Pleasure

It is for writing like this that got BibulousOne the No. 4 spot on the Top 100 Sex Bloggers list last year. There is definitely a bittersweet tone to it but as always it shows a huge amount of self awareness and honesty on his part.

What I Kept Of My Ex Pt. 2 by Suggestive Tongue

Apparently I missed part one and if you did too don’t worry, this is your chance to go again. Lorelei wants to know what is something that an ex gave you which you have kept and why did you keep it? It is an excellent question and one that I am fairly sure has potential for many different and interesting stories which I look forward to hearing so if you have something why not share it.


Morning Without You is a Dwindled Dawn by The Devils in the Detail

I love the contrast between their skin and the little crease framing her breast and his hard cock point up towards her breast. There is something intimate and very sexy about this shot.

It’s yours now, it’s all that there is by Fire and Honey

I love sexy socks, there is just something adorable and cute about them that works for me.

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