Can you believe it is December already. It just a few short weeks it will be 2018 and that is a slightly terrifying thought that I wish to banish and so instead let’s have a look at some distractions I discovered this week.
He thinks of everything by Teachers Have Sex
This is sweet and funny and tender and romantic and sexy as hell. It reminds me of visiting Michael when were long distance. Those times when were together are memories that I cherish and reading this bought flooding back to me.
A Changing Room Interlude by Tits and Test Tubes
This one also inspires memories in me of a rather glorious fuck in a changing room. It never dawned on me that someone might have been listening in the room next door.
What is My Dream Trying to Tell Me? by Kayla Lords
I love this piece. I think it captures the strangeness of dreams of perfectly. How they seem both touchable and untouchable all at the same time.
Hoar Frost by The Other Livvy
The other morning when I went out there was a crisp white frost and as I scrapped the cold from the window of my car it reminded me of this beautiful piece of writing by The Other Livvy from last year. If you have never read it then change that now and if you did read then I recommend doing so again because it is creative and clever writing.
Dirty Girl by Cleareyed Girl
That streak of mud running down her stomach is incredibly sexy, in fact the whole thing is incredibly sexy.
White by Annie Savoy
This is such a brilliant shot. I love how the light is bursting in around her body and showing of the curve of her waist.
This is an image from a few weeks back but it has suck with me because of that captivating smile. Sex is meant to be joyful and happy and fun and I think this picture captures that perfectly.
1 comment
Thanks, Molly! If my piece reminds you of your relationship with Michael at the beginning, that gives me warm and auspicious feelings about the future. 😀