Trolling the Net #59

by Molly Moore
qwerty keyboard Trolling Net 34# #SSoS

Welcome to Trolling the Net 59 and I hope you have all had a fabulous week and are now ready for some weekend shenanigans including some sexy/thought-provoking reading…


Foundation by Teachers Have Sex

I love this piece because it talks about feet in such a tender and sensual way. It made me want to give a foot massage and also receive one.

Futuristic Sex Tech: Is Using Sex Robots Ethical? by Cara Sutra

This is a conversation that we have on a semi regular basis in our house as we try to explore the ethical aspects of sex robots particularly in regards to them potentially becoming sentient so I was really interested to read Cara’s thoughts on the subject. Her piece covers some areas we have not really discussed so gave me a lot to think about.

Orgasms Save Me From Myself by Tabitha Rayne

As you will know if you have been paying attention I am doing the #30dayorgasmfun project created by Tabitha. I am enjoying it immensely and will definitely write about it again at the end of the month but this post by Tabitha is a very vulnerable piece about her own struggle with mental health issues and how orgasms have helped her with that battle.

I’m Not Ready to Love My Body by Kayla Lords

Like Tabitha’s piece above Kayla explores her relationship with her body particularly in relation to her health. Again I think it is a battle that many people regardless of gender can identify with


Stifled by Teachers Have Sex

Yes I know she already appears further up this list but this very clever image that speaks to the rise in censorship and suppression of adult content.

Remembering your Touch by Sweetgirl’s Journal

This is such a beautiful image. I love the way the water is cascading over her body and the curve of her waist is so fucking beautiful.

All of me by Rebel’s Notes

There are a lot of posts in this round-up that are about body acceptance and this lovely series of images by Rebel are accompanied by her thoughts on that subject too.

The Cream of Manchester? by Eve’s Temptations

Only the Brits are going to get this and even then only those of a certain age will remember the Boddingtons advert that it is reference. It made me laugh out loud though and it is brilliant image.

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Marie Rebelle May 11, 2018 - 8:55 am

This post has been open in my browser for so long and I am finally catching up on older reads. Thank you so much for the mention, Molly!

Rebe xox

Marie Rebelle May 11, 2018 - 8:57 am

Can’t even spell my name right! :/

Music & Reflection #SoSS #57 - Rebel's Notes December 21, 2018 - 11:28 pm

[…] My images, All of Me were mentioned in Molly’s roundup post, Trolling the Net #59 […]


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