Trolling the Net #18

by Molly Moore
qwerty keyboard Trolling Net 34# #SSoS

And I am back to weekly trolling….

1. This is a piece of erotic fiction in which not even a kiss is exchanged, let alone anything else and yet it crackles with the electric spark of anticipation. An Uncommon Case by Malin James is a beautiful piece of writing that shows it is not always necessary for your characters to be likeable. At the beginning of the piece both characters felt to me to be arrogant, driven and self-centred and yet as I read I found the suggestion of them being undone by finally meeting some one ‘different’ utterly compelling.

2. Two pieces from @remittancegirl this week. Firstly: On Dominance in Erotic Fiction: A few questions written in response to a readers questions about dominant characters in fiction writing the answers are written in typical Remittance Girl style, with intelligence, self-awareness and a frank dissection of the topics. Secondly: Portals – 1 is a perfectly example of why I love RG’s writing. There is nothing ‘nice’ about this piece, you will not finish it with a soft satisfied sigh but with a slight feeling that you are now just a little bit more stained that you were before you read it.

3. I don’t think it is any secret that there are far more female sex bloggers than male and when it comes to dominant males writing blogs there seem to be even less, so when I stumble across one I tend to spend some time reading and every now and then I am rewarded. DomDespair, Anyone? is a perfect example of such a piece. Written by a male Dom it is a beautifully honest piece of writing about the dominant version of subdrop.

4. This one is a fairly long read but in my opinion is absolutely worth it. It chronicles the fascinating story of photographer Sally Mann and how her photography book Immediate Family affected her life and that of her family in ways she never imaged it would. It is a story that stands as testament to how utterly fucked up society has become with regards to nudity, especially when it comes to children. It made me sad and yet it made me hopeful that in time, more Sally Mann’s might just challenge the weird hypocrisy around the subject, where sexualised images of young women in advertising are completely acceptable but a nude portrait taken by their parent is not. Sally Mann’s Exposure

5. And finally my video this week is 7 Funky Photography tips which includes one that might be help folks with the upcoming colour filter prompt on Sinful Sunday.


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