Molly’s Weekly Kiss 5

by Molly Moore

9th May 2011

I first stumbled across this week’s blog through Wanton Wednesday. I can’t remember which of her amazing posts it was at the time, but I knew I had found a blog with that ‘something special’ feel to it.

Pieces Of Jade is the work of Jade and it details her journey of discovery into her sexual self. A journey that she refers to as ‘secret’ but her blog is a place for her to share all those secrets and she does that with poise, humour, a wonderful self awareness and warmth. Her writing style is smooth and concise, and she conveys the erotic nature of her relationships beautifully all of which is peppered with wonderfully sexy photographs of herself, mainly taken by the 2 men in her life, but which all add to the pieces of Jade that she is sharing here. She is honest, open, unashamedly sexy and submissive, and it’s one of those blogs that makes me want to be a better sub, to truly explore my sexuality in the way Jade is doing.

If this is you first visit to Jade, then do check out the ‘Who Is Jade?’ page, it will give you a great introduction to her blog, introduce you to the men in her life and lead you onto her ‘first post’. I also recommend her page called ‘W’s Task List’ a fairly new addition which was the result of ‘W’ being away for a month. It details the list of tasks he left her to complete in His absence to act as a continual reminder of her submission to Him even when he is not around. If any of you are in a D/s relationship that is also long distance, you will find this page a great resource of ideas…..and for the subs reading this it will depend on how brave you are as to whether you pass this onto your Dom’s or not.

My favourite of her most recent posts is ‘Two Handed Joy’ the photo in that post is just perfection, there is something about it that conveys Jade’s unabashed joy at having both hands full and I also urge you to read ‘The Joy Of Sucking Cock’, makes me wet and my mouth water every single time I read it, and yes, I have read it more than once. I suspect you may well end up doing the same…..

Pieces Of Jade


Ps…. You can find the list of previous ‘kisses’ on THIS PAGE

PPs….Before you dash off to give Jade some loving please do continue to vote for me in the Adult Blog Awards by clicking the icon below

Sex Shop 365 Blog Awards

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Jade May 9, 2011 - 2:21 pm

Hey Molly! Thanks so much for this shout-out…I am flattered and honored to be your Weekly Kiss! 🙂

mollyskiss May 10, 2011 - 10:33 am

Your welcome Jade and thank you for the reply on your blog, that was very cool.


hira May 12, 2011 - 6:39 am

i have been received lovely email thank for nice email


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