27th June 2011
Sometimes these posts take a lot of work and other times they just seem to write themselves. It can be hard to find the words to give justice to another blog at time especially when they are well established and contain lots of content. It is those weeks that I often find myself lost in the content and forget that I actually have to write something. The reason for that being that the content is so good I am hooked on the reading.
It would be so easy to say that, the content speaks for itself, go and check it out and leave it at that but you know me, that’s not my style so here goes. This week’s blog is written by the delicious Lady Grinning Soul, whose wonderful name (which comes from a David Bowie song) is also the title for her blog. She says of herself “Writer of smut and photographer of deviance. Self professed slut, submissive and exhibitionist.” But that is not really the full picture. She is a talented writer, deep thinker, explorer of her own sexuality and never afraid to express an opinion to her readers.
Her blog is beautifully laid out; there is no need to trawl back through pages and pages of posts to find things, everything is perfectly laid out for you to explore. If you are after high quality erotic fiction you will find it all listed in the Fantasise tab. There is much to choose from and I guarantee you will not be disappointed, depending on your anatomy she will leave you wet or hard. Personally I love her really short pieces; she has a real talent for telling a sexy story in just a few short words. I highly recommend her piece called #hitch, written for Wank Wednesday, maybe it is just the subject matter that particularly spoke to me but I think it is the perfect example of really sexy short piece. In addition make sure you check out her two most recent posts called #feel: A Dream of a dream, it left me squirming in my seat as well as ‘From Wife To Husband’ which has a very poignant feel about it, it turned me on and left me hungry for more. It is pieces like this that make me come back to this blog time and again.
If you visit the Realise tab you will find links to all her writing about herself, life, thoughts, art and a mass of other subjects. She has a very humorous turn of phrase that regularly leaves me giggling in my chair. The posts: Vulgar English Slang and Bad Lines in Erotica spring to mind as just 2 posts that I recommend. It is here you will also find a link to all the posts that contain her photography, listed under HNT. Make you sure you visit this, if you don’t you will miss out on a series of truly stunning visual treats which are further enhanced by her wonderful way with words.
There is much more, the listen tab takes you to all her podcasts, again, pick one and listen, she is wonderfully sexy and funny too and if you want to know more about the people she writes about then she has it all explained for you in Characterise section. I could go on and on suggesting posts you read but I think it’s down to you now. This is a blog jam-packed with treasures, it is beautifully put together, regularly updated and all you have to do is visit and click your way around I am certain you will realise just why I have spent so much of this week reading and not as much of it writing.

Lady Grinning Soul
Ps… All you kissing needs can be found HERE
Thank you, my darling Molly! Such a wonderfully, glowing review… makes me smile. Also wonderful to rediscover – I have to admit, in the midst of being busy and exhausted I almost forgot I was being featured over here. Thank you so much darling. Watch for Molly’s kiss on my blog.