28th June 2011
OK, before you click to play this video I will warn you that it is the best part of an hour-long, but don’t let that put you off, just make sure you have to time to see it through before you start, because it really is worth it.
This was a documentary made, I believe for Channel 4 in the UK, looking at the issues surrounding the increase in the amount of surgery being performed on woman’s vagina. The reporter, Lisa Rogers, speaks to a variety of different woman about their experiences, beliefs about the way their vagina looks as well as some surgeons who perform this type of operation and a woman who runs workshops to help woman who have self-image issues with regards to their vaginas.
It is well worth a watch. I found myself nearly crying for the young girl who they show having surgery. From the brief view that we got of her pussy, it looked just fine to me and yet someone was chopping bits of it. I guess in the end she felt better about herself and so who am I to question that, if it was a nose job would I have felt the same? I don’t know to be honest, I am all for free choice but it just made me terribly sad that she viewed her pussy as ugly and would rather cuts bits off it then learn to love it just the way it is.
I do have one criticism of this video though and that is; that it’s sorely lacking in pussy and I don’t mean to perve over. Anyone watching this who has issues with the way their vagina looks may well find some slight comfort in this film but, in my opinion, nowhere near as much as if they had been shown a variety of different pussy’s in all their wonderful and varied forms. Maybe the lack of pussy in this film can be explained by the fact that it was made for TV but then again, we are shown a few glimpses, so it seems a shame that the makers of this film were not a little bit braver.
I believe that a lot of woman’s issues surrounding this subject don’t really come from the fact that all they see are ‘perfect pussies in porn’ but that they just don’t see enough pussy, full stop. I have watched my fair share of porn (I know, shock horror right, you can hardly believe it, a nice girl like me *grins) and I have to say during that time I have seen all manner of lady bits, hairy, trimmed, shaved completely, big outer lips, small labia, long labia, labia that hangs out, hidden clits, etc, etc the list goes on. You only have to peruse the likes of tumblr to see pussy after pussy, no two are the same, they are all uniquely beautiful in their own way and yet there seems to be an increasing number of women, especially young woman, who believe that what lies between their thighs is not perfect. Personally I think this is more a problem caused by the girly type magazines that allude to ‘perfection’ in their columns, leaving young women striving for something that they believe to be the norm without actually being shown that there is, in fact, no norm. Words without pictures, an implied beauty if you like, creating an illusion of perfection that just doesn’t exist.
Ps… Check out The Pussy Pride Project to find more information surrounding this subject.
I love this film; agree that it would be good to see a few more normal (and by normal and I mean each different from one another) vaginas, but all in all, it’s a really good take on an issue I’d never even considered!
Essential viewing I think.
I saw this ages ago and I agree with Lady Grinning Soul that it’s essential viewing. It’s awful that young girls want to put themselves through such pain just to get the “perfect” vagina.
Thanks for posting, Molly!
Hey Molly
That’s a great point! If we saw more variations of pussy around us, our insecurities might be put to rest.
The only time I see such images is in porn, it’s just not considered suitable viewing for our genteel society!
Having said that, Embarrassing Bodies is doing sterling work to sort this out and they actually have a pussy parade on their website http://www.channel4embarrassingillnesses.com/galleries/vulva-gallery/
If you have concerns about your bits, take a look and see the huge variation in size and shape of both the inner and outer lips.
It might actually be fairer to say that those who have a perfectly enclosed vulva with only the slit showing are the ones who are not normal.
PS Thanks for emailing me about my comment box. I have an anti spam plug in which forces readers to be more verbose than 15 characters and there seems to be no way to change that. It is a constant bugbear 🙁
Why you could not leave your comment, I still can’t work out as I have comments coming through and was able to leave two myself.
Investigations will continue.