And another week has zoomed past but I for one am damn glad it is the weekend again. As we are 10 days into FebPhotoFest I have decided to dedicate my post this week to some of the fabulous images that people have posted as part of that project and so I give you 7 different images of kick arse bold, beautiful sexy women!
Belly by Bridget Delaney
This post really resonates with me. Like Bridget my tummy is a part of my body that I struggle with and I can really identify with her thoughts and even with her thoughts of surgery.
It’s all smoke and mirrors by Hyacinth Jones
This is so fucking beautiful. Like Bridget’s posts above it is raw and honest and one of the most stunning images of Hy I have ever seen.
Plait by Maria Open’s Up
There is something playful and almost innocent about this image of Maria despite her being completely naked it it.
Ecdysiast by Midnight at the Oasis
I love the rich golden colours in this image and that way the light if picking out the silver of her hair in her necklace.
Day 7 by Submiss34f
I WANT these boots!
Just a Little Peek by Sexilicious Ash
I do have a bit thing for polka dots and I love the teasing playful feel of this image
Glimpse by Rebel’s Notes
Damn this image is sexy, the little glimpse of breast, the brilliant flash of pink between her legs and if you let your eyes linger you can just make out a glimmer of the jewelry that is hidden between the folds of her pussy.
Thanks for the mention Molly, much appreciated! I’ve been amazed at the gorgeous and thought provoking images people are sharing – its like #SinfulSunday on steroids!
Indie x
This post has been in my browser for ages, waiting for a comment. It’s a bit late, but still a deep thank you to you for mentioning my post. I am quite proud of that image 🙂
Rebel xox