What I love about kink of the week is that it makes me think not just about my kinks that I know and love but also gives me an opportunity to consider and learn about others people’s kinks regardless of whether they are something I am into or not. I find the subject of human sexual desire fascinating, it is so broad and varied and each of our experiences whilst sometimes similar, still remain our own unique blend of thoughts, emotions etc that I love learning about.
This week’s topic is Gas Masks and over the past week or so as I have pondered the subject I have learned something about myself in the process. I think the reason this kink is not for me is that when I look at it, it appears dehumanising. It is a harsh look, that reminds me monsters and horror, there is something almost sci-fi/alien about it and for me, there is nothing sexy or sexual about that. I think it falls into the same group as pet play and also being treated like furniture, for me, it is that dehumanising aspect that not only doesn’t do anything for me it actually starts to stray into something that squicks me out.
In addition Gas Masks also seems to be connected to breathe play or at least have the potential for it and that is another thing that falls into my ‘no thank you’ list. I am not keen on my face being covered, I find even the blindfold a challenge but one that I do enjoy but anything beyond that I can feel the panic starting to bubble up inside me. Even if the bedclothes somehow get thrown up over my face there will be struggling and wiggling so that at the very least I can free my face from being ‘smothered’ by them. It is that feeling that has meant I have never been remotely interested in trying out any kind of vac-bed either. Just the idea of having my face covered in that way makes my heart start to beat and not in a good, this is hot, way either, but in the terrified panic way.
However there is also the photographer in me, and it is here that I find myself more interested in Gas Masks, not on me, or as a kink, but a visual look. The opportunity that they give for creating startling, challenging art does draw me in and despite the fact that I don’t think I could ever put one on myself I will admit that I would be interested in attempting to shoot some outdoor images with a model who was happy to wear one. I think the contrast between the gas mask and a rural setting could make for some truly extraordinary art. As a photographer I can appreciate their visual qualities and how they can make for oddly beautiful images.
As a kink though, this is not one for me and I can’t ever see that changing. It just doesn’t appeal to any part of me and I am not sure I even understand why it appeals to others but that is there were Kink of the Week comes in because now that I have written this I shall go off and read other people’s posts and hopefully some of them might afford me a little bit of insight into what it is about gas masks that works for them.
OMG! I have just written and posted my take on this post and then I come here and read yours and snap!!
Hello sister!! 😉
~Mia~ xx
I have to admit this is one I have thought long and hard about and just doesn’t work for me either.
when I saw the headline – Out of Gas and your butt pic below, I thought you had fart a lot that you ‘run out of your natural gas’ , on reading further, it was something about gas mask, quite strange? why is gas mask needed? to protect against what?
Clearly you have not read the post properly as this is a Kink of the Week post and the topic for discussion was gas masks.
I can quite understand why this isn’t for you – or for a whole lot of people, really. It’s been very interesting to read why it doesn’t work for you (and others), and discover that they seem to be the very reasons that do work for me! Isn’t the human mind a funny thing?
xx Dee
While I love a hand on my throat, a hand over my face bothers me as well (and not in a good way), so while I enjoy a little breath play, I think a gas mask might be too much. Like you, though, I have really enjoyed reading all the variety of responses.
It’s funny you mentioned vac-beds. As I posted mine he commented how strange it is that I’d find gas masks so claustrophobic yet I’d love to try a vac-bed. I know it makes no sense but then again that sums me up perfectly!