I have wanted to write this piece for a long time but I also knew that it would write itself when the moment was right. Why now? Maybe happiness made …
The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it. ~ Thomas S. Monson Past Me This image is most …
Sex, love and relationships, what a complicated subject. I find myself trying to work out what I want when it comes to those things and for now this is where …
I updated my about me page last week. I didn’t publise it but just quietly made some adjustments to reflect current situations with regards to my relationships. Firstly I wrote …
I went on a date on Sunday. Well maybe a date is not quite the right word for it, it was more along the lines of a hook up. I …
“I love it best when it is just the two of us” If you ask @domsigns how often I say those words to him I think the answer would be …
This weeks prompt is communication. The prompt actually made me want to write a couple of different posts but today has been my sons 15th birthday and so time for …
8th March 2011 I once met a man….. …..who became the Father of my children. We were 18 and at college together. I was away from home for the first …
10th February 2010 Hands up all you lonely children?! Opps….sorry, of course I mean only children! *waves her hand in the air and giggles. Yes, that’s me, an only child; …
January 31st 2010 Is it me, or is it her? Maybe it’s the combination of the 2 of us; we really are chalk and cheese. She is a total pessimist …