In case you have not noticed it is February Photofest here on my blog which means I am posting at least one image everyday for the whole month of February. I am going to try to continue with Trolling the Net through that and so you are going to have to endure a double posting on Saturdays. I am also going to use this to show case some of the fabulous images on FebphotoFest each week so these posts are going to be more about pictures than words this month.
Also don’t forget all you bloggers that Elust is open for submissions again. If you are new to Elust and not sure how to submit a post then drop me an email and I can help [email protected]
Embodying Your Ideas: Making the Cerebral Somatic by Mrs Fever
I meant to include this post last week but it totally slipped my mind. For all you who are writers or budding writers then I recommend this piece by Mrs Fever on the Eroticon blog about how to use words to make your reader feel them.
The Slutmeat Conundrum by Understanding Flutterby
This piece shows how a word, in this case slutmeat, can mean and inspire very different feelings depending on the context it is used on. It is something we all know but this piece captures the stark contrast between 2 moments with a raw beauty.
I am Raw by Hyacinth Jones
I love how she has managed to capture the water swirling between her thighs creating a little whirlpool of modesty. Such a clever and beautiful image.
Floored by Exhibit A
This is such a strong image but knowing that this a self portrait taken in a hotel hallway late night makes it even more outstanding in my opinion.
Jolt by Nookyeverafter
I love the symmetry of this and contrast between her overly pale skin and the dark mug and a bit like Hy’s picture how the placement of the mug creates a kind of modesty.
Cross my Heart by Exposing 40
This ticks so many of my boxes; outdoor photography, cemeteries, and an edit that gives it a slightly eerie feel. I love the way the cross is cutting the image into two, the light and dark side. Absolutely brilliant photography.