The other night while lying in bed scrolling through a sea of Tumblr porn vaguely looking for something to share with @domsigns I came across a picture of a knife, a very sharp beautifully curved blade being used to cut a woman’s pubes. Sadly, because I was tired and not concentrating I didn’t mark it and so I now can’t seem to find it again which is really annoying and resulted in me wasting far too much of today fruitlessly searching the darkest corners of Tumblr for it. However my point in mentioning it is that this image inspired a day filled with thoughts of knives. Actually that particular image seriously made me consider growing my pubes so that he could slice them off with his sharpest blade.
Of course my Tumblr search for the picture didn’t help matters because scrolling through thousands of knife play images only served to make my knife lust even worst and soon I was thinking about the feel of sharp cold steel being dragged over the flesh of my arse and how that makes me twitch and the sensation of the heat that erupts in those raw welts that the blade leaves behind in its wake. That thought quickly spiralled into wondering what it would feel like on my breast.
Of late I have become quite enamoured with bruises and marks on breasts. It is not something we have indulged in very much because I am very nervous about damage being done to my breast tissue which is clearly not as robust or as muscle filled as that on my arse. However for reasons I cannot explain I have become increasingly attracted to the idea of him marking my breasts and so the jump from the knife on my arse and back to my breasts was an obvious one.
It does not end there though. I want him to cut my knickers off me, grabbing the crotch in his hand and ripping the knife through the flimsy fabric so he can get to my cunt because what he really wants is to pushing his hard cock into me and just to make sure I am paying attention to his what he wants he holds the knife to me throat while he takes his pleasure in me.
I find knives thrilling, there is something raw and primal about them that just speaks to my kink. They are instant, urgent, menacing, they speak a thousand threats which just a glint of light on their shiny blade. There is nothing ambiguous about a knife. Its intention is dangerously clear. I like that. Knife play totally taps into my submissive kink. It demands my attention and plays with the ideas of helplessness, force, power and control and does so with such easy and simplicity all while looking beautiful.
They not only look beautiful but they leave beautiful marks, sore red marks that throb for hours afterwards and sting like fuck the next day when you get into the shower. Sometimes there are tiny little beads of blood that decorate the welts, like dark ruby gems that quiver on the surface of my skin. A knife knows it job very well, if it is sharp enough, but what really gives a knife its dangerous edge is the person willing to use it on you.
Fuuuuuck – knife play is SO hot! And reading this now has my cunt throbbing…
xx Dee
Darkly sexy, great post
I’ve never had a thing for knives, but the way you describe how they speak to you is incredibly hot and makes me want to try knifeplay to see how they make me feel.
A x
Even if it’s not your particular kink, Molly writes so well that you get an erotic feeling from it anyway.
Always a joy to read these posts
Thank you, what a lovely comment
This is a wonderful compliment to my writing, thank you. If you are at all interested I urge you to give it a go. I find it thrilling and oddly relaxing too
I really love knife play too, the delicious hurt, the burn under the shower, the droplets of blood… so good! Like you, I don’t want my breast tissue damage and am definitely not even to the point where I am getting curious in having bruises on my breasts…
Rebel xox
I now have some lovely little knife marks in one of my breasts. It stung like hell in the shower this morning which turned me on all over again
Knife play is definitely not for me. You create such a luscious description of how it taps into your kink that this has been a fascinating read.
Velvet x
Thank you for your comment. I am fully aware it is not for everyone but I am glad that my words still worked for you
I have never had a thing for knives, until fairly recently! I can’t imagine who I could blame for that change if mind *laughs. I think it’s the darkness and danger that appeals to be alongside the scratchy pointy play that it will involve. As yet it’s just me that has an interest but there are a few signs that might be changing.
It is NOT my fault *grins…. and there is something wonderful about a man who owns a beautiful knife
I’m with Anna on this one – not something I would at all have considered to be a kink, but you always make knife play sound incredibly hot xx