Wicked Times 200

by Molly Moore
Molly nude standing in field with scarf blowing in the wind celebrating 200 wicked wednesday posts

Congratulations to Rebel on reaching 200 weeks of Wicked Wednesday. I know full know from running Sinful Sunday and now Kink of the Week just how much time and dedication it takes to manage a meme long-term. It is not just posting the page each week but coming up with ideas for prompt and encouraging and nurturing the community that grows up around it. Starting a meme is one thing, making it successful is whole other thing entirely, so huge kudos to her to creating a space where people feel happy and confident to share their work.

I am also going to use this opportunity to give myself a little pat on the back because not only is this 200 for Rebel but it is also 200 for me as I have never missed a week of Wicked Wednesday and unless something has changed from the last time I discussed this with Rebel I believe that I am one of only 3 bloggers able to say that. The other two being Rebel herself and The Long Bean. I am proud of that achievement, as one my original goals for my blog was to use it to MAKE me write and over the last 200 weeks Wicked Wednesday has contributed to that a great deal.

I thought for a while about what I could write about the number 200 or about Wicked Wednesday in general but then I decided to go and have a look through those 200 hundred posts and see if one jumped out at me as my favourite, or maybe there would be one I wanted to expand on. what actually happened was that I discovered I was 19 posts short which caused a brief heart stopping moment in which I managed to convince myself that I had not in fact joined in every week but had somehow, without noticing, missed out 19 weeks. Once I recovered my mind from that crazy place I realised that what I had actually done was fail to categorise 19 posts correctly, which got me a stern look from the tech department and so I set about finding them. It was as a result of all this that I quickly came to the conclusion that picking just one favourite post was going to be impossible and so instead I have select 10 of my favourite Wicked Wednesday posts to date (and trust me picking that 10 took a VERY long time)

  1. Lets start with this one: Painted Lady which was for the second week of Wicked Wednesday and the prompt was a painting by Robert Lenkiewicz which you can see here. What I love about this post is not the words it inspired but that I created my own photographic version of the painting which I am really rather proud of.
  2. Do not consent was written in response to the UK proposing legislation to make the possession of rape porn (even simulated rape) a criminal offense. In this piece I talk about my own rape fantasies and how this type of law does nothing to actually protect women in fact it risks criminalising them for their fantasies. It is just as relevant today as when I wrote it back in 2013.
  3. Challenging Sexy was a post that I really had to pluck up courage to publish. In it I talk about my decision to share this very graphic image of me menstruating.
  4. I picked a few fiction pieces for this list, Mother’s ruin is one of them and possibly my favourite. It is a rather twisted wedding tale of disturbing Mother/son relationship and a bride who gets her way eventually.
  5. Age inappropriate is one of my all time favourite pieces. It is basically a rant written in response to a conversation on Twitter about ‘older women dressing their age’.
  6. Another piece of fiction Hungry like a wolf, inspired by Red Riding Hood. If you ever wonder what happened to her, well this my version of the answer to that question “Red now knows that you should never trust a man who, when you look into his almond-shaped eyes, reminds you of a wolf you once knew.”
  7. I had to include a Scavenger Hunt post and when I was looking through it became absolutely obvious it should be this one because it contains not just me but also our fabulous Wicked Wednesday host Rebel and these image remind me of wonderful precious times spent with her; Wrong Side of the Tracks
  8. The final piece of fiction on this list and things are not what they seem in this story but you really will have to read right through to the very last line to find out why. My Valentine
  9. This post was inspired by a piece Remittance girl wrote about dark female sexual fantasies. This was my attempt to share of the filth that tumbles around inside my brain. The Darkness Within
  10. And finally Love City. Not a particularly wicked post but a very personal one about the city which bore witness to our fledgling romance.

Compiling this post really did take me an extraordinarily long time. Selecting just 10 was a real challenge and I have edited it a number of times removing other posts and replacing them until finally settling on these ones. I feel like I have missed out so many great pieces as a result but I also think this list shows just how varied and wide-reaching my Wicked Wednesday content is and I thank Rebel for providing such a great place to share my work. I am already looking forward to the next 200 weeks!

Molly nude standing in field with scarf blowing in the wind looking forward

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Elliott Henry March 30, 2016 - 5:47 am

Congratulations, Molly… and to Rebel. That is an amazing record. I know how hard it is to make these posts and keep coming up with fresh ideas for new themes. Love your memes and thanks for accepting me in the adult writing world with open… uh, arms.

Marie Rebelle March 30, 2016 - 10:44 am

Thank you, Molly, for the congratulations, but most of all for being one of the three who participated every week (yes, still the same 3). We’ve seen so many bloggers come and go for Wicked Wednesday, and I think you’ve seen the same with Sinful Sunday too. I’m pretty proud of Wicked Wednesday, and indeed it’s hard work, but very rewarding. I would love to get more bloggers to join in, for people to realize it’s not only for writing, but also for images. Anything goes, as long as the Wicked Wednesday button is on the post. There are so many wonderful posts shared each week, sometimes they make me laugh and sometimes they bring tears to my eyes. Looking through your list of 10 posts, it brought back memories and I don’t think you will mind if I specifically highlight number 7. What a great time that was! Looking forward to see you in a few weeks, and who knows, maybe we can manage another scavenger hunt 🙂

Thanks for always being so supportive and just for being you!

Rebel xox

Molly Moore April 1, 2016 - 12:01 am

No 7 truly is a very special post and yes, maybe this May we can manage another one. That would be seriously fabulous


Cammies on the Floor March 31, 2016 - 2:59 pm

I love how you approached the 200th prompt! I’ve read most of these, and was so happy to reminded of them.

Tabitha March 31, 2016 - 10:01 pm

How wonderful that you’ve taken part in every one! As someone who strives to join in as much as possible but only manages once a month if I’m lucky, I see this as a tremendous achievement – especially considering you host SinfulSunday and everything else you do!
Congratulations x x x

the long bean March 31, 2016 - 10:02 pm

Thank you Molly for the shout.
It was you that inspired me to post the first episode of the saga (in the days before Wicked Wednesday).
You and Rebel have provided much of the inspiration to continue writing a weekly episode of an ongoing fictional saga that was originally written as a book. The book was so bad that I decided to instead break it into what was originally going to be just 20 episodes.
Wicked Wednesday came along (after 20 episodes) and my intention to support the meme has allowed me to continue with the saga to a total of 219 episodes.
I hope that you and Rebel will give me more inspiration to continue for more than the next few episodes I have already (sort of) got ideas for.
Many thanks for your support

Molly Moore April 1, 2016 - 12:00 am

I am honoured to be have been inspirational. Writing an ongoing saga like that is no mean feat so I take my hat off to you.


Charlie Powell April 2, 2016 - 11:31 am

I think the time you’ve clearly taken to put this post together shows how you value Wicked Wednesday, and I completely agree about the effort it must take to run a meme – I’m in awe of you and Rebel! Also super impressed that you’ve never missed a week – there are some prompts that make me draw a complete blank!
Charlie xx

Molly Moore April 3, 2016 - 12:13 am

I don’t always follow the prompt but I do always post something


sub-Bee April 2, 2016 - 3:03 pm

It seems like went went down the same lines with our posts. It gave me a chance to go and read some of your posts that I have missed out on initially. So many inspirational posts and images to chose from and what an amazing feat, not missing a single week!

Velvet Rose April 4, 2016 - 4:15 pm

Congrats on the 200! It was lovely to be reminded of and to look back on your top 10!

Velvet x

Melina Greenport April 4, 2016 - 6:55 pm

Molly, Congrats on 200!! I *know* what a big deal that is because I’ve totally failed at it!! I’m so glad you chose to curate your work in this post… I’m bookmarking to come back and savor these Best 10. You’re amazing. xxMelina


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