2nd September 2011
Now this is very exciting! This is my first guest post on Molly’s Daily Kiss from another blogger and to be honest one of the great sex bloggers at that. She recently expressed an interest on twitter to do some guest blogging for someone and I asked her if she would write a piece for The Pussy Pride Project and I am delighted and honoured to say that she jumped at the chance. It is my great pleasure to introduce to you Rori, from Between My Sheets…
I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t self-conscious about my body. For some reason, even though I never remember my parents ever saying a discouraging word, I always thought I was “too” something – too tall or too fat or too curvy or too…whatever. Of course, when I hit puberty, all of those negative feelings migrated south.
I worried about my lady parts being…well…weird. I didn’t have an older sister to talk to, and my mother, though loving, is an old-fashioned lady – one doesn’t talk about any subject remotely related to birds or bees. So I was left wondering and worrying that someday, if I would ever actually find a boyfriend (it seemed unlikely at the time), my pussy wouldn’t be good enough.
Since my unsure pre-teen years I have had multiple boyfriends. Along the way, what I’ve really learned about pussies is this – it doesn’t matter what it looks like. It’s about the swagger. And damn, my pussy has swagger.
Sometimes I shave and sometimes I do not. I prefer shaved, but let’s face it – I’m a busy girl and don’t always have time for those shenanigans. My pussy is usually super wet before you even get my pants off, and that might be the understatement of the year. My clit is average-sized and my pink lips are as well, though one side is longer than the other, which is a bit quirky I suppose. I like it, the quirkiness.
But none of that matters as much as the swagger. Swagger is all about believing in yourself. In the bedroom, my pussy is confident. My pussy will strut her stuff to turn you on. She knows what she wants and she’ll grip around a cock or finger or tongue to get it. When I let my pussy take control, the appearance, taste, smell, all fade away and I just get lost in the man I’m with. I’m proud of my pussy because she’s a fucking sex kitten, not because of the way she looks or tastes.
I guess what that really means is that I’m proud of me. I think that’s what pussy pride is really about – being happy with every bit of yourself. I still have moments when that old body image self-doubt creeps back into my life; I think we all do, and that’s okay. But I’m learning not to linger in that dark place like I have in the past. I’m awesome and you are too…and both of us have pussies that rock. We just have to believe it.
xoxoxox, Rori
Ps… If you would like to guest post on my blog, and/or have me guest on yours then you can get in touch with me at [email protected]
Pps… This post is part of the Pussy Pride Project. Click on the icon below to find out all about this project and who else has contributed to it.
Thanks so much for posting this!!! xoxox