1st August 2011
I have said this before, but in general I don’t pick blogs for my kiss that are very new for the simple reason that usually there is just not enough material to work with. It is hard to judge from just 3 or 4 post if the writer has anything long-term to offer, different to say, story to tell etc, etc. There have of course been some notable exceptions to this in my list of kisses and this week’s blog is one of them.
I discovered this blog from a comment left on another blog I read and like so much of my blog reading a click to a click to a click led me here and I started reading. Actually I read her tagline and instantly I liked her.
The author of this blog, Stabbity, is a dominant woman and her writing is centred around her views on what is ‘wrong’ with the scene and the stereotypes that exist, particularly with regards to dominant women. Hence the her tagline, which she writes further about in the post titled ‘Fuzzy Slippers’ saying “There’s a very clear dress and behaviour code for dominant women and I hate it so much that I made the tagline of my blog ‘And I’ll play wearing fuzzy slippers if I damned well want to!’” and then goes on to challenge the dress code and behaviour code that exists for dominant women, calling it out and showing it up for what it is.
Like all of her writing, it is well thought out, intelligently written and clearly shows that it is penned by a women who is very proud of, and at home with, her kink. I think it is the end paragraph of her post called ‘Fluffy Slippers’ that really had me shouting out the silent ‘YES!’ because one of my pet hates in the whole fet/kink/d/s scene is the notion that there are right and wrong ways of being dom or sub and that if you don’t do so and so then you not really doing it right. Well you know what, bollocks to that, as Stabbity says “You don’t have to play any particular way either. Your kink still counts if you don’t want to beat people bloody. Your kink still counts if sometimes you like to beat people bloody and sometimes you like to be more gentle. Your kink still counts if you like to laugh while you play. Your kink still counts if you like to make your partner laugh while you play. Your kink still counts if you like doing things that your partner likes too. Kink is for everyone, dammit!”
There are only 6 posts on this blog so far, but they are of a quality that makes me hope that there will be many more. She has a voice and writing style that will make you think, that will at times challenge your own stereotypes of dominant women and that might just make anyone starting off down a road of kink that little bit more comfortable with being themselves and exploring their own personal brand of kink rather confirming to the ‘rule book’ that some people like to tell you exists. No matter your brand of kink, your level of experience, or your gender, I think the message of being your own unique self delivered in this blog means that it is reading for all and for those of you who don’t feel you have a kink at all, this blog will show you that those of who do are still just people….in fluffy slippers!
Ps… All kissing history is to be found HERE
Aw, I feel so loved 🙂 I hope I’ll be able to keep going for many more posts too.
I look forward to reading them…you speak my words in many ways.