16th May 2011
I will admit that I had to spend a bit of time really pondering this week’s Kiss as I had 5 potential candidates but then today I went over to this blog to check out their Sinful Sunday post and ended up reading a post they had published the day before on the 14th of May and I had my answer.
This post called “The Long Road HOME….” just about sums up why I have been a regular and dedicated reader of Ali’s blog. As per most of her blog it is written in that wonderful style she possess for raw honesty and a self-analysis that blows me away. If you are a new visitor to her blog I recommend you start with that post and then maybe jump back to the first post she made in October of last year. Not really her first post at all but I will let Ali explain that to you in her own words.
Ali is a woman on a journey of discovery, not only with regards her sexuality but her life as a whole, she is constantly developing and growing as a woman and in her blog she shares it with the reader, whether it be triumphant or disaster, in, as I said, an honest and open style that is quite addictive to read. This blog is full of highs and lows and tears and laughter but it is just those things that make it such a winner in my opinion.
Ali calls herself ‘a slave’ but she is way more than that, she is an accomplished writer, a mother to 7 children, whom she home educates, a budding business woman and an all round sexy goddess….something she has only just acknowledged about herself very recently. If you don’t believe me on that last note, just check out her amazing gallery.
With Ali’s blog you never know what you are going to get when you go there, it will delight you, enthrall you, make you wonder, make you question and at times for me, make me shout out at my computer in frustration at some of the posts she has written about herself but I can tell you now, Ali is a phoenix, no matter what life throws at her, she always grows, learns, develops and rises from the ashes to take on life again and again. I admire her greatly for that.

I'm Alicat
Ps…To find out more about the Weekly Kiss and see who else has already received one then CLICK HERE and don’t forget to vote for me in the Adult Blog Awards. It is all about voting averages and you vote on a daily basis……is it possible to catch up with the current leader? I fear not, but you can’t say I didn’t try!
Ooh wow thanks for the thumbs up Molly. I shall head over there now.
Molly I am honored and was quite shocked to be your pick this week. Your words made me tear up. You have seen me go through a lot and you have been a true friend in helping me decipher things when it all just got too overwhelming. I treasure your friendship more than I can say. Thank you so much.
The pleasure is all mine Ali, your blog is a credit to you. I am honoured to be called ‘your friend’.