Caress me

by Molly Moore
Mollys bottom bright red from spanking

This post is for you, you know who you are because you took this picture…

Caress me

Until my skin burns hot beneath your hand

And I hide my face in the pillows to muffle my cries

Caress me

until the bite marks bloom on my thighs

And I squirm beneath your mouth

Caress me

until I come on your fingers

And my eyes roll up into my head

Caress me

Until I ache and throb

And we both remember what it feels like to be us again.

Every Damn Day in June badge

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Kitten June 4, 2020 - 11:01 pm

oh fuck yes! I love the fact you’ve made it a very different kind of caress too.

Also you have a beautiful bum.

Dave Miller June 6, 2020 - 2:19 am

Such silken words and emotions here 🙂 Mine back to you 🙂

Your Parts behold
lips are sweet to tastes and kiss,
fingers perfect to tug and hold,
tongue divine to curl and go,
hands are made to position and play,
eyes adore watching our sexy play.

legs powerful to lock and hold,
hips OMG how they jerk and thrust,
breasts and nipple buds trigger your lust,
knees give balance as we go,
princess parts ignite and moan.


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