New Voices 2019 and other bits

by Molly Moore
Charturbate top 100 sex blogs 2019 banner

So here we are again another year in the sex blogging world is fast coming to a close but we can’t possibly let it end without the Top 100 Sex Blogs 2019 list being published. Tomorrow will be that day but before I reveal the final list 100 there are a few important points to be covered.

A Word about the Sponsors

I really can’t thank Chaturbate enough for their continued support of this project. Working with them has, as always, been an absolute pleasure and their enthusiasm for supporting the sex blogging community is truly wonderful. Without them it would be much harder for me to devote the amount of time needed to do the list justice but with their support it means I can take a bit of time away from my other projects during November to get through all the reading that is required. Companies like Chaturbate really do make a difference and so please do take a few moments to go and check them out. You might find yourself hooked though as their site is full of many glorious distractions!

How do you make the list?

I have written a detailed post on this which you should really go and read. It also explains what type of feedback you can get from me if you so wish. The Transparency Report

Why am I not on the list?

There are a number of possible reasons for this but the most likely is one of the following

  • You were not nominated – To be considered for the list someone has to have nominated you.
  • Not enough content – You had less that 24 posts over the last year or have not posted anything in the last 45 days.
  • Not old enough – You have been blogging for less than a year.
  • Password Protected – You blog is all or mostly password protected.
  • Reblogging – Your content is all or mostly reblogged from elsewhere.
  • You are not really a sex blog – The majority of your content is not about sex or sexuality.
  • Your content is not sex positive. Examples are; sexual health advice that is untrue/harmful, content that is homophobic, sexiest, raciest, misogynistic, transphobic, anti sex workers or anything else that is openly discriminatory or hateful.
  • You link to/promote sites that are sex negative in some way (see previous point)
  • There are no dates on any of your content meaning I can’t determine whether you qualify or not

New Voices Awards

In the past I have awarded this to two bloggers who do not qualify for the main list as they have not been blogging for over a year but who have captured my attention for some reason or other. However last year the potential list for this category was way longer than any of the previous years. In 2015 there were 5 potential blogs, in 2016 there were 6 and in 2017 there were 8. Last year that number jumped to a whopping 26! As a result last year I decided to highlight more than 2 and to announce them here the day before the actual list. This year 21 blogs where eligible in this category which is brilliant because it shows that more the sex blogging community is thriving and growing and so I am going to do what I did last year an pick out a short list of those that captured my attention.

After a lot of reading and thinking I have picked out 8 blogs that I think deserve a new voices award for 2019. They have all made their mark within the sex blogging community with their intelligent, thought-provoking and varied content and I am looking forward to seeing how they grow and develop over the next 12 months. I have listed them in alphabetical order rather than ranking them. (If you are one of these blogs and would like a New Voices badge to display on your blog send me an email [email protected])

I don’t like your list

I am sorry about that. I have worked very hard indeed to not make this a popularity contest but to score each and every blog fairly, and with as much of an unprejudiced eye as I can, based on the quality of the blog and content. I have spent hours not only reading but agonizing over the scores in the hope that the list will reflect this, but as with all things I am fully aware that you can not please all of the people all of the time. Trying to do so would only mean that the list would never get produced. If you really hate it that much then why not make your own?

Final Thoughts

Every year since taking over the list I have written some final thoughts about the list but also about sex blogging and the community that springs up around it. Last year I wrote this.

Choosing to create and share adult content remains a huge challenge, we are maybe more censored and restricted in how and where we can share out work than any other genre of blogging and yet in the face of all this there seems to be more new sex blogs this year than ever before and in total nearly 180 different blogs were nominated for the list. Despite so much effort to silence sex content on the internet there seems to be more of us than ever before and maybe, just maybe that number will continue to grow and our voices will continue to educate and entertain as we shine a sex positive light into an increasingly dark sex positive world.

There is no way this list is going to change the world but if it helps just one person to find a new blog to read or helps to encourage folks to be kick arse sex bloggers and acknowledges the fabulous job you all do as content creators in this hostile world then in my opinion it is a worth while project.

I feel exactly the same this year. In total 192 blogs where nominated for the list this year. To see that number continue to grow each year, despite the continued attacks on adult content, means people that people want to be heard and others want to hear them.

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violet December 1, 2019 - 7:47 pm

This is a very well-chosen list! Congratulations to the all of the New Voices winners!

Sweetgirl December 1, 2019 - 8:00 pm

Well done to all the new voice winners. I don’t envy you having to select 100 from 192 nominations.. you do such amazing work. Whether I make tomorrows list or not I think you deserve a massive thanks for producing this list and for supporting so many bloggers every single day.

Sweetgirl x

Marie Rebelle December 1, 2019 - 8:39 pm

Congratulations to those on the New Voices list. I see some of my favorites there and others I will go to explore.

THANK YOU, Molly, for all your hard work!

Rebel xox

May More December 1, 2019 - 8:59 pm

Great choices – great work – well done all

Chrisy December 2, 2019 - 12:52 am

Congrats to all the new voices! Looking forward to what you all have planned for next year!

sircumalot9in December 2, 2019 - 3:03 am

Great list

MarriedToys December 2, 2019 - 12:30 pm

This really means so much to us both. Thank you!!

Posy Churchgate December 2, 2019 - 6:23 pm

Great list, I see some on there who are already on my “go to reading list” – cant wait to see what you do in the coming year.
Thanks to Molly and Chaturbate for the time and monetary investment in this; you’re right to encourage more sex blogging, we have got something to say and an audience to read it!

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[…] to  the 8 new voices and everyone on the Sex Blogging Main […]

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[…] still to be on the list of Top 100 Sex Blogs 2019, bit I was delighted to see her on the list of New Voices 2019. She so deserves to be on this list and I can’t wait to see how well she will do on the top […]

Jupiter Grant December 25, 2019 - 9:14 pm

Can’t believe I haven’t commented on this post yet! Thank you so very much, Molly. I’m still buzzing! ?

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[…] blog mentioned me as a favorite blog od 2019. All of these things astounded me. From Kinkly to Molly’s Daily Kiss. I felt truly honored to be on all the lists and even more honored that people thought to nominate […]

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[…] all. I do spend quite a bit of time encouraging the new bloggers and so many fabulous writers have become part of our community this last year. So even though I understand it can be a little disappointing or hurtful when you […]

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