Oops, so last week the A – Z Blogging Challenge got the better of me, but I am back this week so here we go.
1. Her | Self – Women in their own words is a project by Jennifer Bermon. Over the course of 20 years she photographed a variety of different women of all ages and all walks of life and then asked them to write down what they saw when they looked at the photograph she had taken of them. The result is a fascinating and powerfully personal series of stories that really speak to women’s tendency to be self-critical.
2. I wanted to give this Mother a medal when I read this piece: I Sat In on My Son’s Sex-Ed Class, and I Was Shocked by What I Heard by Alice Dreger. I love the bit where she had to control the urge not to put her hand up in class and point out the oral and anal sex do not have the same pregnancy risk as vaginal intercourse. However why I really wanted to applaud her is the open, honest and positive discussions she has with her son about sex and relationships and how she actively encouraged him to challenge the negative and in some cases down right incorrect information he was being ‘taught’. If only more parents had this approach.
3. This week on Twitter I got into a bit of a discussion about the term/label curvy being applied to a model, who in my opinion, was not in the least bit curvy. I have not had time to write about it yet myself Sex Blog of Sorts has and in my opinion done a brilliant job of putting voice to some of my thoughts on the subject. On Curves
4. In the last Trolling the Net post I suggested a piece of fiction by Remittance Girl which was part 1 in a new series, since then she has published part 2 and part 3 but again I warn you, they will do nothing to combat your desire for more. However if you would rather listen to your stories why not try out the new KissCast Storytime episode which features 4 authors reading their sexy stories to you
5. This weeks video is WTF is Porn by Tom Ska. It was made on conjunction with Childline a charity in the UK that offers help and advice to children. When I first heard that I will admit I was skeptical about what the tone and message of the video would be as many of these organisations are often rather radical in their approach to this subject and tend to focus on a message of porn = evil. Apart from a tiny bit in the middle where he strayed off into some slightly scaremongering warnings about porn addiction I actually thought the tone of it was pretty good and I will be sharing it with both my children.
1 comment
I’m with you on number 2 – applause for the mom indeed!
Rebel xox