17th February 2012
Photo courtesy of Penny
Welcome to e[lust], the sex blog round-up- The best posts from the hottest and smartest sex bloggers all in one place! This edition highlights topics such as STI’s, swingers and poly relationships, spanking, role play and so much more. Want to be included in e[lust] #34? Start with the rules, come back in February to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
~ The Top Three Posts ~
I’m The 48% – I keep breathing. Strangely enough, the world didn’t end at that precise moment. I felt numb. I stared at those two red lines on the monitor.
Can Swingers be Happily Married? Long Term? – Swinging can be an exhilarating experience. It requires sincerity, honesty, vulnerability, strength, forgiveness, and patience.
Secretary – I was a little worried: my intentions in placing the ad had been purely dishonourable, but her response offered no evidence that she correctly divined my intentions.
~ e[lust] Editress ~
Why I Write – And Respect – Negative Sex Toy Reviews – I call a spade a spade, and name it out for being crap no matter if it’s $39 crap or $139 crap. Crap is crap and you shouldn’t have to buy it.
~ Featured Post (Picked by Lilly) ~
A Little Spanking Can Go A Long Way – All I could do was hold on until it was over. It was more than I could take, but I took it and, of course, I loved it.
All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!
Erotic Writing
A Great Fuck
all my weight on her
a Masturbation Story
Bunco Night!
Fag-Break Fuck
Having him in my mouth
hypnopompic Apparition
Kiss Me There
Naked Underwater
Sodom: Enter the Fist
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
A Beginner’s Guide to Spanking
A Matter of Lube
Attraction, Rejection and Uncertainty
Bad Vibes, Generally
Fluidity: Growing-up Poly Part VI
Going Down
Making Love
Never Pinch a Sadist
Near Outing due to Outrage
Porn, Pubic Hair, Sex & Reality
Sadie Says … Remember Santa Barbara
Kink & Fetish
Hungry Beast
Later that afternoon – Part IV
Long-distance Roleplay & BDSM
Reflecting on Vacation Playtime: Part III: Tent Slut Slapped
The Dungeon Club
Sex News, Interviews, Politics & Humor
Odd Sex laws around the World