Trolling the Net #9

by Molly Moore
qwerty keyboard Trolling Net 34# #SSoS

I know it has been a while since I have written one of these round-ups but time seemed to slip away from me. However I have decided that from now on I will try to make them a weekly feature with the aim of publishing on a Friday. In case you missed the original posts the idea behind the Trolling the Net series was for them to be a collection of cool, interesting, sexy etc things I had discovered on my travels around the internet with the odd bit of Molly news thrown in now and then for good measure.

So, when turning over a new leaf the best thing to do is stop talking about it and get on with it….

1. For those of you who used to listen to me and Harper on the It Girl Rag Doll podcast you will undoubtedly be aware that after 40 episodes Harper decided she was ready to move on to something different. However she had managed to infect me with the podcasting bug and so The KissCast was born. Each episode will feature me talking to a different guest which will be interspersed with the odd episode that will feature different writers reading their sexy dirty words to you. So, if you would like to be a guest on the KissCast or have a short piece of something deliciously sexy you would like to read for me then get in touch. In the meantime you can enjoy the first three episodes;

Episode 1 – Behind the Chintz Curtain

Episode 2 – Jade A Waters

Episode 3 – Marie Rebelle

2. If you host your sex blog or some other form of adult focused site on Blogger then hopefully you will be aware that earlier this week they announced a policy change that prohibited such content on their platform however it would appear that today they have back tracked and decided against implementing the new changes. It is a small but significant victory for freedom of sexual expression but do let it fool you into complacency. Sadly adult content is still under siege, Google might let you use Blogger to publish it, but when their own search engine already filters adult material I think it is safe to say that their heart is not really in the ‘open and free’ internet ideals. Additional I have seen people moving their content from Blogger to Wordpress in the belief that they are more accepting of adult material. The simple fact is they are not. If you use free Wordpress, especially if you post adult images then please do back-up your content religiously as they can and do delete blogs for having such material and when I say delete I mean it. If they shut you down for breaching Terms of Service they will not let you back in to retrieve your database.

The apparent back track of Google this week has given people on Blogger a bit more breathing space but please don’t assume all is now fixed. Google still censors explicit images in the image search results and will not allow affiliate links of an adult nature on Blogger. So my advice to all sex bloggers of whatever persuasion is self host your site. Remember you are the product on Blogger, by using them you are contributing income to an openly sex negative corporation. If you want to move to self hosting or even start off their then my post The Sky is Falling will help you get started on the road to giving Blogger the finger!

3. Now for something a bit more fun. If you fancy a little writing challenge/competition then check out Sex Blog of Sorts ‘Giving Up’ flash fiction competition inspired by her recent visit to the cosmetic counter and her jokes about giving up cock she has given you the period of Lent to get writing and pen an erotic flash fiction piece. Deadline for submissions is 23.59 GMT on Thursday, April 2nd.

4. Bad Men and Why Perfectly Intelligent, Independent, Sane Women Fantasize About Them is a fabulous piece by Remittance Girl about dark female fantasies and the male demons that feature in them. At the end she invites females readers to share their ‘demon fantasies’, the resulting comments make for additional fascinating reads.

5. Finally a bit of camera geekery for you from The Slow Mo Guys that shows you not just what happens inside your DSLR when you take a picture but how insanely quickly it does it. I also loved the bit about how beat up his camera was, especially when I realised he is using the same model Canon that I do.

I think we will leave it there for this week but come back next Friday for another edition of Trolling the Net

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1 comment February 27, 2015 - 1:00 pm

Yes, ever experience my sex-related blogs been shut down a few times on wordpress and blogger and now I self-host my blog but still I have a lot of resistance.

Actually my blog is more than just a sex blog, it also contain contents related to beauty and health, but most people still label my blog as a sex blog and said they don’t want to have any dealings with me or anything to do with me.

This is a bloody hypocrite world. There is nothing right or wrong about sex. Sex is just part of human nature. Each and everyone of us is the output or result of sex and if sex is so immoral and guilty, then all of us are filthy and immoral creatures!

It is even more ridiculous when people are more receptive of same sex relationship but still view sex as a taboo !


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