27th October 2010
I don’t have a bath very often if truth be told. I am more of a shower person, mainly because I am usually rushing, often on the verge of lateness and there just isn’t time for a bath. A bath to me is something you do on cold winter evenings, when you have time to relax, and wallow in it, it’s not about washing it’s about me time. The other slight problem I have with baths is boredom. I like the idea of them, but after a few minutes of laying there I start to feel fidgety, you see I am a bit of a doer, I like to keep my brain and often my fingers occupied so if I haven’t got my computer, obviously not practical in the bath, or my sewing, also not practical in the bath (and I bet I surprised you with that one eh?) then all that is left is a good book, but in that end that too tends to suffer from the humid, damp conditions.
Of course there other things that can be done in the bath, the warm soapy water lends itself perfectly to roaming hands. I love laying there looking down my body, seeing my breasts pushing up through the bubbles, feeling my soft skin under the water. It’s the perfect opportunity for a really close shave too, which leaves my pussy even more exposed and silky to the touch than usual. I can’t resist touching, stroking, letting my fingers glide through my wet folds and finding my clit. The heat from the water has made my blood pump and when I push my hips up through the bubbles and out into the cooler air I can see my swollen clit protruding from between my lips, asking, begging to be touched.
I let my hand glide down over my breast and stomach pushing through the bubbles, casting them aside, until it comes to rest between my legs. The tip of my finger brushes over my clit and I can feel my muscles inside my pussy twitch in response. The water makes everything so slippery and silky that my fingers slip and slide easily over my pussy but it’s my clit that wants the attention. I circle my finger round the skin at the top of my clit and then over onto the top of it, pushing and pinching at it, making me moan and sigh as I can feel the heat within my pussy building to match that of the water around me.
For a moment I am lost into the sensation and all thoughts of stopping are gone, it’s just me, the bubbles and the hot water, he won’t know any difference if I cum now, will he? That thought makes me smile to myself, I know the answer to that, even if he doesn’t suss me (which he probably would) I find that I only have to see his face and the confessions of wrong doing will slip from lips no matter how determined I am to stop them. No, I won’t cum without him, I have found that when I do, I get little satisfaction from it and the punishment that it would bring always seems harsh for just a moment’s weakness. The only orgasms that bring me pleasure are those that are shared with Him in some way and so I stop, sigh and stretch my body out under the water and relax.
I like my baths hot, not scolding, but hot enough that you have to lower yourself in slowly, letting your body adjust to the rise in temperature. I like my skin to turn that pinkie red colour, the same colour that my bottom turns too when he has been spanking me. When I finally lift myself out from under my watery hot blanket and rinse off the soap suds that cling to me, it is a damp but glowing pink body that greets him when I return to the bedroom.
PS…..Don’t forget to check out the other Wanton Wednesday posts by clicking on the icon below
Very lovely .. I to get board w/baths .. Looks like you found the only fun thing to do in there 🙂 thanks for sharing!
Very nice read. I agreed with you, I never have an orgasm just to have one. I want the experience to be part of my love for my Master. I do not seek one, to be punished for it. I appreciate that you have some of the same feelings.
Thank you for the share. kajira, diana.
Oh!My! You make me long to go home and have a bath! Very sexy pictures!
Great photos and story. I love playing with my cock in the bath but like you don’t take a bath that often.