24th February 2010
I watched him build our bed yesterday. OUR bed, the bed where he will take me, use me, make me his. The bed he purchased especially for that very job. It’s made from cherry wood and has an ornate design head-board and 4 sturdy wooden posts in each corner. At the foot of the bed the panel is cut away into a half-moon shape, one of the main things that attracted him the design, or so he informs me. It means that I can be lent over the end of the bed, and then he said something about securing my ankles and……
I watched him build our bed yesterday. OUR bed, the bed where he will take me, use me, make me his. Watching it slowly take shape made me smile, and once it was finished it looked so beautiful, dominating the room just as he dominates me. He went to the shop before purchasing it to check that it was strong enough. He said he wanted to be sure that no matter how I fight the bed will hold me firmly in place whilst he……..
I watched him build our bed yesterday. OUR bed, the bed where he will take me, use me, make me his. As he worked away I felt a deep sense of belong. This was not about words or promises or intentions this was a tangible solid object. For a moment I closed my eyes and let my mind wander, I could hear the cries, the calling out, the swish of the cane, the rattle of chains, the sobbing and whimpering that this bed is destined to bear witness too and I reached between my thighs and felts the dampest pooling there and…….
I watched him build our bed yesterday. OUR bed, the bed where he will take me, use me, make me his. I dream of that time, his touch on me, his kiss on my lips, his body finally meeting my body, in that bed. I picture myself spread, tied, bound, helpless at his mercy, ready for him to take him pleasure in. My eyes pleading with him, begging him, desire for him rushing through my veins. My breath quickens as I write these words and I close my eyes and picture the bed again and knowing that soon, so very soon I will meet that bed for real and……. I watched him build our bed yesterday. OUR bed, the bed where he will take me, use me, make me his.