Today my blog is 10 years old. Double figures! For more about my thoughts on that you should read yesterdays post, Backwards and Forwards.
There is no party or cake. Although there is a rather nice piece of roast beef about to be cooked. I had hoped to put together some sort of celebration here but time ran away with me and other projects stole my attention. My plan in the next few months though is to redesign this space and once that is done I will do something special. I am contemplating a photography competition.
For now I am just letting today be calm and enjoying the last of the holidays. One of things this year I want to improve is my focus and also how I use my time. I have invested in a copy of the Five-minute Journal after hearing about it earlier in the year and hope to use it alongside my beloved Circle Planner that worked so well for me last year, to help improve things even more. (If you want a Circle Planner and highly recommend them then visit Paper Designs and use the code MOLLYMOORE at checkout to get 10% off but hurry because there are only a few dated planners left and when they are gone they gone.) Sorry for the little sales pitch. I rarely do that here but I truly do love this product. My best buy of 2019 with regards to my work and being more organised.
This morning I lay in bed and read the introduction and guide on how best to use Five-Minute Planner. I could have got up and started on my to-do list but instead I gifted myself some time to just focus on that and think about how I am going to change my mornings to make sure I give it the attention it deserves which is about 5 minutes of my time in the morning and similar at bedtime.
The focus of the planner is gratitude and but also starting the day and ending it on a positive note. I have no idea if it will be a good thing for me but there is only one way to find out and that is to have the self discipline to do it. The journal I have covers 6 months. I intend to use it everyday. If it becomes a positive thing in my life I shall definitely buy another one and of course I will report my finding back here too.
As you can see I am also going to be joining in with Jumpstart January hosted by Violet Fawkes. I am not sure I will manage a post everyday. I have a LOT of plans and things that need to get done over the next few weeks and of course straight after that will be February Photofest so I don’t want to run out of steam for daily posting before that project starts but increasing my output here is one of my goals for 2020. I tend to over think things and I need to get back to sometimes just sitting down and writing what is on my mind rather than mulling it over quite so much. Maybe this will help with that too. A bit like the journal and all my other plans, time will tell.
I’m liking the idea of the 5 minute planner alongside the main one. Congratulations on your 10 year blogversary, it is a brilliant achievement. I look forward to seeing the newly redesigned Molly’s daily kiss and all of your projects going forward. xx
Thanks. I will let you know how I get on with the 5 Minute journal. I hope it is going to help me clear my head a bit and work smarter
Congratulations on 10 years. I hope you enjoy redesigning your site and that you make time for yourself too.
Sweetgirl x
A bit late, but still a well-meant CONGRATULATIONS on this brilliant achievement! I look forward to learn more about your projects, and to see what you do with this space 🙂
Rebel xox
I do the 5 minute journal digital version. My plan this year is to include an image every day of something that makes me happy. Some days I forget to fill it out, but the digital version prompts me.
Congrats! I’ve been thinking about the gratitude portion you mentioned. I’d love to incorporate that back into my life. I hope you love your planner and am looking forward to all the things you do this year. You’re such a warrior woman.