The scent of him

by Molly Moore
Molly pressing her face into his cock and testicales smelling himn

Confession: I love smelling his cock.

Actually his whole genital area does it for me. I love pushing my nose into the soft skin down beside his testicles and drawing in a big deep breath of his scent. There is something both comforting and sexy about that rich heady scent, even fresh from the shower it is still there, less so, but still detectable.

Sometimes in the mornings when we laying snuggling and he declares it is time to get up I will throw back the covers and plant my face down in his crotch and have a big old sniff, then it smells of him and sleep, a warm musky smell that I kinda wish I could roll in and carry around with me all day. Although to be honest it might end up with me getting much less done and every time I caught a whiff of it I would want to stick my hands down my pants.

My favourite time for having a good sniff of things though is after we have had sex because that smell is so fucking amazingly hot to me, so much so that it not uncommon for him end up getting a post sex blow job just because I want more of him when I smell that smell. Over time that scent changes, if we sleep, in the morning it is even better, the faint hint of the both of us lingering on his skin alongside the aroma of sleep. Smelling that always makes me wet.

I have written about his body odour and how I love the way he smells before in Heaven Scent

“He never uses deodorant or cologne and yet he never smells sweaty in the acrid bitter sense of that word. It is far more delicate than that and a powerful olfactory stimulus to me that turns me on and calms me at the same time. There is something earthy and basic about my reaction, like a cat marking her kittens with her own scent I love to find his scent lingering on my hair or clothes. I guess it is just like the marks he leaves on my skin, to me they are a sign of his desire for me and his ownership.”

And I have also written about my own smell, specifically smelling my knickers in Sniffy

“Women are supposed to smell like roses and lavender not like they have just been fucked and if they do they are meant to ‘deal with it’ as quickly and as quietly as possible, they are not supposed to enjoy it and they are certainly not to supposed to revel in it by smelling their own dirty knickers afterwards but that is the point, because sex is not like a trip to Disney land with pretty flowers and perfect princesses all showered in glitter and rainbows. Sex is much more exciting than that; sex is sweaty and wet and sticky and messy and meant to be glorious dirty fun and whether it is smelling your knickers, happily sleeping in the wet patch, peeling dried cum of your face, the bed being messy or your hair being wild, whatever that thing is that shows you have lived and are alive, never let anyone take the joy of that away from you. Life is too short for that and knickers smell too good to just be discarded in the laundry basket without at least one little sniff.”

The way someone smells is a make or break thing for me. The wrong smell is a deal breaker, the air thick with too much cologne or perfume that makes me feel like I can almost taste it will turn me off way faster than the natural scent of a person. I want to have to lean in and search for it a little bit not be overcome by it when to pass me in the street. I have nothing against perfume or cologne mind you; I think there are some very sexy ones out there. An ex wore one that I used to give myself a little squirt of before I went home so I continue to smell him through the day but it was never quite right though because it smelt way fucking sexier on him mingled with his own body scent than it did on me where it was missing his unique olfactory ingredient.

So you see I am a very smell driven person and the natural earthly scent of him is a deliciously sexy thing that I basically can’t get enough of. When we were long distance one of the things I always did when we visited each other was to keep one of his dirty t-shirts. I would wrap it up in a plastic bag and keep it in my bedside drawer. I tried not to get it out too often because I was always worried that the scent of him would fade too much but when I was particularly missing him I would get it out and breathe him in, closing my eyes and imagining he was there. Now all I have to do is have a rummage in the laundry basket or even just lean over to him at his desk and have a sniff although when it comes to sniffing cock that is a bit trickier. I could ask him to come upstairs with me and take off his trousers so I can take a picture of me sniffing his cock for a blog post but sadly I suspect I have used that excuse up today and will just have to wait until bedtime to get my fix.

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Saam November 7, 2018 - 11:43 pm

I think smelling your partner’s cock is intimate and it elaborates a higher level of intimacy and it is something a lot of people don’t speak about. I loved this post and the image… it’s just so intimate. It grabbed my attention straight away.

Melinda Paul November 8, 2018 - 2:46 am

I love how you wrote this and described far better than I could, the incredible scent of a man and the aroma of sex than lingers about us both afterwards for hours. I too enjoy the morning when I awaken him with a gentle caress of his cock, tugging him towards me and moving down to take him into my mouth! The taste of us coating him and activated by my eager and salivating mouth.

Modesty Ablaze November 8, 2018 - 8:38 am

Wonderful to read . . . and brought little tingles as I found myself reading back and forth!
But now I have to go to work !!! . . . so like you, I will have to wait til later !!!
Xxx – K

Marie Rebelle November 8, 2018 - 2:19 pm

I am totally with you on too much perfume or any kind of fragrance. No matter if it’s a fragrance I like (and can handle to smell), too much just doesn’t do it for me.

Rebel xox

missy November 8, 2018 - 10:47 pm

I also love burying my head in HL’s balls. I have noticed that the smell changes too and when he get turned on I can smell the cum building up in them which is very sexy and intoxicating. A brilliant post 🙂

May More November 9, 2018 - 11:05 am

I am so with you about the way someone smells being a deal breaker – it sounds almost fickle but it is the way it has to be x

Jo November 9, 2018 - 10:18 pm

I’m with you – the wrong scent can be a huge turn-off, especially if it’s strong. The Engineer didn’t bring deodorant with him the last time he visited and it made me SO happy because I could snuggle into his armpit and inhale his natural scent (which I love) after sex.

Cara Thereon November 10, 2018 - 3:58 am

He does always smell so unbelievably nice. It’s amazing to me. I feel a bit the weirdo as I’m not as scent oriented. I don’t always notice unless the smell is particularly strong.

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