Seeing as this weeks Wicked Wednesday is all about street signs I thought that would fit nicely with this Scavenger Hunt location. I know it is not a traffic sign, the location is still in my pending list but I do have a place marked out and I am not claiming this one as Street (name of) sign either as I have something cool planned for that too. This is one is all about the real estate, or as we call it in England; Estate Agent sign.
Despite this being a fairly small side street in my town we were there in the middle of the afternoon just prior to school letting out which is the only reason I can think of for how long we had to wait before people stopped appearing.
The moment the blue car had pulled out of its drive and started to drive off we went for it…
Watching the car disappearing round the corner and hoping it doesn’t come back too soon
Arrange them in a certain order and you can make Sweet Haart Sold…..
Real Estate sign is my 52nd Scavenger Hunt location and you can find the full list of all the ones I have done on my Scavenger Hunt page
Wow, did you cause any traffic accident?
Once I focused on the words, all I could see was sweet ass… and what a sweet ass that is!
Hot photos!
Rebel xox
I love the word association, and as ever, awed by your bravery!
Absolutely Brilliant Molly I think this must be your bravest scavenger yet Very impressed and what a perfect location
I am always shocked by the bravery of the Scavenger Hunters!
Love the Sweet Heart Sold. Are you subject to contract too?!
I’m the same, saw sweet, saw your ass, Sweet Ass- perfect! Great scavenger hunt find (surly 2 in 1!?) and fab wicked wednesday! x
Your courage on this one is so shocking.
Simply adore this, Molly! (I really need to post mine …) And your arse, as ever, is the best location out there 🙂
xx Dee
Love the location Molly 🙂 Ever thought about an open home?