Last Wanton Wednesday of 2010

by Molly Moore
Holding christmas candle

29th December 2010

Should this be a Christmas or a New Year Wanton Wednesday I wonder……

Well seeing as my Christmas started late, I am going to go with more festive wantoness. I am trying to put off the New Year as much as possible by living in a perpetual state of Christmas bliss.

In case you didn’t know. He is here with me. He managed to just get out of East coast USA before lots of the white stuff fell all around and bought the airports to a grinding halt. 12 hours later and he would have been stuck and I would have been the saddest woman on the planet luckily he didn’t and that makes me the happiest, woman on the planet.

You are going to have to forgive me over the next week or so if I don’t post as much as usual. I am ever so slightly distracted but I couldn’t possibly leave you all wanting on Wednesday so just for all you sexy people, here they are, the last of my Christmas pictures…….Enjoy!

Holding christmas candle


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Nr._47 December 29, 2010 - 7:17 pm

Hey, sexy Ms. Santa again! I really appreciate the great pictures you are sharing with us!
Hope the meeting with your family went good!?
Im looking forward to read more but most of all I wish you a great time together! Enjoy and don’t leave the bedroom to often 🙂

mollyskiss December 29, 2010 - 7:38 pm

Thank you very much for your lovely comments. Meeting my parents went really actually, maybe more on that another time.


LambChop December 29, 2010 - 8:39 pm

Gorgeous, and I LOVE the SHOES!!

Livi December 30, 2010 - 1:27 am

oooh! very festive! and gorgeous! 🙂

DDD January 1, 2011 - 2:29 am

Molly, so sexy. I love the blurry, bleary blaze of lights — and what they illuminate. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year!

Nr._47 January 1, 2011 - 3:13 pm

I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Go on and have a great and lustful year!!


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