The last three weeks have been a bit of a tough time. After enjoying two blissful kid free weeks my offspring returned home and for those of you not in the UK, school summer holidays are still going on, and on, and on…. There is another full week to go after this one. I have driven them hither and yon, to parks, to work, to neighbouring towns, to the shops, to the train station and back from work. My daughter, who is mainly delightful turns into two people during the holidays. I don’t mean metaphorically either, I mean literally because her best friend (they have been inseparable since they were 7) basically moves in. Over the last 3 weeks there have been 3 nights when she has not been here and that was because they were both at her house. There is a very good reason they tend to be here and I want to make clear that she is here with my blessing. We call her ‘our part time daughter’. Anybody who has children especially teen ones will know that despite their increasing independence they remain oddly needy in completely different ways to how they are as young children.
In addition to all of this there is the need to fit in some work which with our acquisition of Eroticon has quiet frankly more than doubled. Last week alone I had 5 hour-long phone calls relating to the conference, not the mention the emails and this week involved a three and half hour planning meeting with us and Girl on the Net. Two nights ago I lay in bed thinking about what needed to get done until well after 2am. Damn my brain for not switching off with the light.
I am not moaning, certainly not about Eroticon. It is exciting, fun, nerve wrecking, interesting and challenging and I am so glad that we are doing it. I am not even really moaning about parenting. To be honest they have been well-behaved but the combination of them being at home and added work pressures have taken their toll and I AM TIRED.
Today was the hottest day of the year so far and as anyone who is a regular here in my blog neck of the woods will know, I am all about the summer. Most of Britain has moaned and groaned about the ‘excessive heat’ today but not me. I took ‘the daughters’ to a nearby outdoor pool armed with a picnic lunch and some money and told them unless their was an emergency I would pick them up at 6pm. My son was at work and then when he came home went out to see a friend. I really should have used the quiet time to get some more work done and write my planned Wicked Wednesday post. What did I do? I lathered myself up in suntan lotion and lay in the sun in the garden soaking up as much of the heat as I could.
Now I am sitting here at 11pm at night wearing my bikini and still covered in suntan cream. My planned post has been cast aside, it requires more thought and time and instead I am writing this ramble because well, sometimes you just have to say fuck it, put everything you were meant to do today off until tomorrow and take some time for yourself. Now all I need to round off today is for the little spits and spats of rain that are going on outside to turn into a proper summer thunder-storm (and get him to fuck me while that is happening) and you pretty much have my perfect weather day of all time. I will let you know if I get the thunder and fuck.
Ps.. Michael also wrote about a slightly similar topic tonight. Really and honestly we had not idea what the other was writing until we proof read and yes he is right, the heat makes me extra horny…. as do thunderstorms!
My brain deleted the ‘and’ between ‘thunder’ and ‘fuck’, so I read your statement as, “I will let you know if I get the thunder fuck.”
Yowza. I sense some Thor foreplay on the horizon! 😉
Glad you got some sunshinextime all to yourself today. It’s a great way to relax and refresh. 🙂
Of all the people that deserve a day languishing in the sUn, Molly it’s definitely you! I hope you recharged your batteries a bit x x x
(Thunder fuck sounds fun :D)
You are right, sometimes you just need to take time off and relax, as you have done. It would’ve been a shame to let the sun go by without soaking up some of its rays!
So happy you’ve decided to do Eroticon and I am SO looking forward to it.
Rebel xox
Where the bloody hell do I go to get me one of those ThunderFucks?!?!?
Like the others – the idea of a Thunderfuck sounds incredible!
Meanwhile, I love this kind of honest, train of consciousness post where you throw aside your original plans and just write what you think. As always, you are eloquent and fascinating to read.