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Tempting me from the shadows
you whisper promises to me
offering to kiss my skin
like a lovers warm breath
luring me with memories
I offer you my flesh
you caress me
with delicate touches
that only make me
want you more
Molly Moore - Author, Blogger, Photographer, Speaker, Director of Operations @Eroticon Find me in my corner of the internet at Molly's Daily Kiss and on Twitter @mollysdailykiss
This is lovely Molly 🙂 x
Great image. Love how the sun highlight your nipple 🙂
Rebel xox
love the contrast of colors… and the textures… succulent photo…
Wonderful, wonderful words Molly . . . and a gorgeously teasing image to go with them!!!
Xxx – K
I love the knit against your smooth, pale skin. xx