When I lay next to you

by Molly Moore
cropped image of molly laying on her side in blue knickers and bra

When I lay next to you
it all makes sense.
questions all have answers
worries are lost
in the closeness of you.

Your breath is my breath
your heart is my heart
i bathe in the warmth
of you, of us
this love

No one else understands
Who cares, we declare
it makes sense to us
imperfectly perfect
this great love.

When I lay next to you…

Grainy cloudy image of Molly laying on her side with legs tucked up wearing blue knickers and bra

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1 comment

Kenneth Benoit aka Benke February 17, 2023 - 1:55 pm

Good morning Molly. Thank you for posting all these photos. Your photography is very good. I love how you use lighting, either natural or artificial to create shadows and lovely photos. I enjoy looking at all your photos. Your breast are gorgeous. Thank you for sharing. Today’s poem was a lovely piece of prose


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