We are walking down the road in Philadelphia, it is a beautiful warm evening. The sun is performing its last fiery display of the day, painting the sky a mixture of reds, purples and oranges. The city of full of people out enjoying the evening. She walks past us, over taking us and moving off in front of us, walking a faster pace. She clearly has some where to be. She is wearing a pair of white pants that fit across her bottom and then fall wide and loose down her legs. I can’t help myself, my eyes follow her up the street in front of us. The white pants leave very little to imagination, she is clearly not wearing any panties, her bottom is beautiful. Not too big, not to small, just perfectly in proportion to her height and frame.
“Do you want to speed up so you can continue your ogling?” he says as he nudges me in the ribs
I blush, turning to look at him
“I wasn’t ogling” I protest
“Yes you were, you nearly fell into her pants as she walked past” he laughingly replies
“No I didn’t, I was just admiring her pants, they are really nice, I wonder where she got them”
“You could run and ask her” he suggests
“Nah, it’s ok”
I know I am blushing, I know he is not buying it. He laughs again and we continue our evening stroll. The girl is gone.
I love bums.
I admit that I am a total perve when it comes to female bottoms. A beautiful female bottom will grab my attention like nothing else. There is something so sensual and erotic about them which just captivates me. Male bums are nice but when it comes to men I am all about the shoulders, chest and hands, but when it comes to women, bums are totally my thing. I love bums on Sinful Sunday, I love bums on my twitter timeline, I love bums out on the street and I love bums at the gym. Small, big, and all the various ‘measurements’ in-between, bums are just fucking glorious.
Then there is my bum. If you look through the images on my blog you will see that it is a regular feature of my self-portraits. I love my bum too. It is a physical feature I am proud of, I think I have a nice bum, it is fairly pert, it has a pleasing shape (to me at least) and just as I find other people’s bum’s sexy that feeling extends to my own bottom. Of course I am not alone in liking my bottom, @domsigns likes it too. My bottom tends to be the main focus of our impact play, something that is a very powerful, much-loved by both of us, part of our D/s relationship. The flogger, the paddles, the whip, the knife, the vampire gloves and so on, all get used on that part of me, they (he) leave their marks scattered across my behind in what to me looks like a trail of love and lust. When I look in the mirror and see the marks I see his desire for me, his dominance of me decorating my flesh. I love my bum even more when it is covered in his handy work.
Clothed, naked and everywhere in between I have photographed my bum more times than I care to think about and I have no intentions of changing that anytime soon.
The summer holidays mean that I missed out writing about the subject of Bums but as the meme has been on a little break for the last few weeks I have decided to use that opportunity to catch up and encourage you all to visit KOTW in its new home and read about my plans for the future of the meme.
I love bums too! The photo is lovely.
MMMMMMM I like your bum too 😉
Rebel xox
Bums are beautiful and this picture is glorious.
Wow! That is a beautiful bum! If I had one as perfect as that I’d show it off too!
I frequently get caught by the OH as I admire girls on the street too! He asks exactly the same question, do I want to speed up to catch her!
Beautiful picture, and I love the personal story of the teasing dialogue between you two, could easily be my husband and me.
i really like this post, and it is true…you have a lovely bum! xxx
Sweet little post. I would have looked too. 😉
A quick question for you… why can I not find the “like” button on this post? It is very worthy.
Have a beautiful day.
there something about the curve of a nice bum/arse that is utterly captivating… the sway of movement helps too I think.