I hate the cold. I have really bad circulation and suffer from being cold a LOT. I was definitely designed for warmer climates but somehow ended up being born into the land of damp grey dullness. I am at my happiest weather wise when the sun is high and bright in the sky and I can feel it’s warmth in my bones. If sweat is tricking down my spine then I am a happy woman. So far this year our summer has been slow to arrive but this weekend it seems to have finally appeared in glorious sunny Technicolor and I for one could not be happier about it….
*This was one of the other images I took for The Big Ugly Photo Challenge
Ps… Click on the icon below to see who else is joining in with Sinful Sunday
Looks like you had fun, waiting for the sun. I hear you about being cold.
Glorious image for glorious weather, lovely Molly 😉 x
What a fantastic silhouette! Love this picture. It is simply filled with joy 🙂
I love the angle of this! Beautiful image!
beautiful as always…reminds me of a 70’s album cover for a band 🙂
How cool. it does look like a 70’s album cover, or maybe a great WoodStock photo.
Very nice
I can feel your happiness radiating through me. I personally love the cold!
If you like heat, you would love it here in Texas! 🙂 Gorgeous image, I love the way the sun highlights your figure and your carefree pose.
You should have been with me in the woods yesterday… I was positively drenched in sweat, you would have loved it 😉
~Kazi xxx
FREEDOM for Molly Finally!!:) Amazing picture!!! xxx
HAHA! Happy picture! 😀
I hate the cold too. But I prefer the warmth of a fire to the warmth of the sun with all the attendant sunburn and faffing with sunscreen.
I’m a warm weather guy myself. My goal is to eventually live where there isn’t really much of a winter.
How I wish I had a garden with a small amount of privacy!
Fantastic photograph!
I need to take you to southern California. *grins*
Sun worshiping!
A gorgeous sun worshipper!
Like you I’m always normally cold so much that my feet tend to turn purple! Today in London though, definitely the other end of the spectrum xx
I love the way you welcome the sun 🙂
Rebel xox
Me too – another sun worshipper here! I think I’d wither away if I lived where it was cool and grey so much…
I love how you’re reaching for it, such a visual bit of poetry. Really like it
If you get that excited over some sunshine, I’d like to see what you’d do if you were here! Beautiful photo. Even though we can’t see your face, your body language speaks volumes. Plus, I like to think that you’re smiling at the sun with your eyes closed, enjoying every second. 🙂
I love how you are greeting the sun with open arms, ready to embrace it like a lover. Beautiful…
I can feel the sun on your skin and the pure joy it evokes. Lovely picture x
Then you and I should switch places! I love rainy weather; its like my soul needs it. This photo seems to compare that same emotion; as though the sun is somehow charging you as you embrace it’s rays. I am currently sitting in 80 degree humid weather, and I hate it! But lovely photo, as always. xxx
Oh no, that just got that song stuck in my head. You look radiant in the sunlight.