Sometimes I so wish I could hold a moment in time. Make the clocks stop, the world pause just for a bit so that we can stay in that perfect moment a little longer.
The bright morning light floods the room, my body unfurls from sleep and I wriggle out from under the covers and step into the bathroom to pee. The type of pee you only do in the morning after you have slept the whole night through. As I stand and turn a vision through the funny little window between the bathroom and bedroom catches my eye and almost tears the breath from lungs. I am caught here between watching this little scene of a perfect moment and wanting to sprint back into the room and become part of it again.
I wish I could bottle it. Keep it forever just like this; calm and peaceful, both of us contented in each other’s company. He is reading, waiting for me to wake and now waiting for me to return to his side. He doesn’t speak and neither do I. Right now we have no need for words; everything we wanted to say was said last night, beneath the white billowing covers of our little hide-away. Everything was said with actions and in the bright light of day I can hear every word being played back to me by my aching muscles and tender bottom.
I have to preserve this moment and I dart from the bathroom, grab my camera from the sideboard and return. He doesn’t move a muscle. He knows me by now and my movements will not have surprised him in the least. I ponder it briefly and then I work, silently exploring the light and the angles, hoping that just one of these images I take will be enough to tell a story. To remind me of this place, his touch, our laughter, his smell, our taste, the trip, this room.
And then I am gone. For there is only so many photos of a moment you can take before you must leap back into and live it for real.
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A beautiful post. I sometimes think we need to pass through these moments to appreciate them. Light and shadow. You can’t have one without the other. CM
(p.s. My boy knows that tolerance of the camera. I do it less now than when he was little. I feel less fragility in the time I am with him. But every so often, there is a moment and I am afraid that if I don’t capture it in the lens I will lose it forever. )
Thank you… I agree, you need to pass through them and also learn how to live the to the fullest so that when it comes to remembering it is all so whole.
Lovely post.
Those calm and relaxed moments are ones that can really make us pause and drink in where exactly we are :o)
Very precious moments. I am glad I captured it!
All of life is but moments…not enough calm and blissful like this, however.
There are many moments that are captured only in my mind’s eye because I didn’t want the interruption of having to grab the camera. But still I manage to take a lot of pictures 😉
~Kazi xxx
It is all the little moments that add up to a life time of wonderful memories, instilling in you the sure knowledge that you are loved and you know how to love.
“This memory time cannot erase”
A wonderful image to capture the words of those precious moments. *sighs* I’ve had many like those, in different locations of the world even. It’s good to never forget and come back to them often.
This is such a wonderful moment you have captured here. Your words radiate so much happiness!
Rebel xox
A lovely image and touching description; I too often wish I could capture those perfect moments!
Very nice post. I have a battered brain with a really bad memory. I lose so much as it fades. Photos are the only thing that can bring back a memory for me. I must see myself there.
It is the tender happy moments I miss the most when they fade.
What a beautifully captured moment both in image and words.
~Mia~ xx
Beautifully captured and utterly evocative..
Pea ~x~
I choked up a little, reading this lovely piece…
We’ve had many moments like that. We wish we could bottle the feeling for later, or at the very least turn the moment tangible and cling to it for as long as we dare. It never seems fair that such moments pass so quickly, but we take solace in the knowledge that another is likely not far off.
very touching post!