20th June 2012
The prompt this week for Wicked Wednesday is …I sent him (her) an email… immediately it got me thinking of all the emails that Sir and I exchanged over the many months of our long distance relationship. For those of you who don’t know; we meet online (on a website site that is unfortunately no more). It started as a friendship, neither of us was expecting to find someone, but it quickly developed into something much deeper and after about 2 months we were making plans to meet in real life.
After 5 months of on-line only I finally made the big trip to the USA so we could actually meet in person. It was the best risk I have ever taken and led me to the man who is now my husband, it also led to another 18 months of us living thousand of miles apart and travelling as often as we could to see each other and so when I saw the prompt for this week’s Wicked Wednesday I knew I had tons and tons of saved emails that I could potentially use.
I was right, there were tons of them. Some from me and some from him, one-off passing comments and whole threads of emails that lasted weeks and weeks and a few that even went back and forth over a couple of months. There were funny ones, sexy ones, sad ones, lonely ones, hot as fucking hell ones and deeply personally and emotional ones. I read and read, remembering those moments when I had written or received them. Some of them made me laugh, some of them made me terribly sad and some of them made me incredibly horny but none of them made me want to share them with you.
None of them seemed right for sharing and at first I was frustrated and confused as to why I couldn’t make any of them work here until suddenly I realised that these emails are not just emails; hot sexy emails, or lonely sad emails, or funny crazy emails but they are a deeply personal record of our life together. They are the intimate conversations of our life at that time. They are not meant to be shared.
But don’t despair as I did find one. This is the second picture I ever sent him of myself, the first one being of my face and the simple message that I got back in reply well, when you read it I am sure you will be able to image what effect it had on me…
From: Molly@*********.com
To Signs: *********@live.com
What would you do with me?
From: Signs: *********@live.com
To Molly@*********.com
Grrrr…. Use you for my pleasure until you were bruised, sore and exhausted…. and then do it all over again. FYI; not ‘would do with you’ but WILL do to you. Be ready…
He meant it too…
Ps… Click on the icon below to see who else is joining in with Wicked Wednesday

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I just love happy endings Molly 🙂 xxx
You’re quite right Molly, that emails between lovers can be as potent and personal a record of intimacy as any form of communication. Thank you for taking the time to find one to share. Although I would say its not wicked but in fact represents something wonderfully loving intimate. The story of love between you and Dom Signs is one that really makes me smile.
What a lovely comment… thank you Jonathan. I am glad that loving intimacy of our relationship shows through. I have always tried to convey that in my writing about our life.
It is just over a year since I discovered your beautiful kisses and I remember vividly your posts and tweets of last may / june which painted the picture you have recounted above, some happy, some frustrated but ultimately the post when his plane landed, then the surprise post you were getting married! I feel like I have been along for the journey!
I am so happy that you and Mr Signs found each other. You seem to balance each other’s lives perfectly.
Lily xxx
This post makes me extraordinarily happy for you and DomSigns. Congratulations on finding someone to serve/love. 🙂
That image is beautiful. I totally understand why you don’t share. There are things that are meant to be for those involved alone. The love and trust you found in each other is not something you want to scatter as some random email, it wasn’t. I am so happy you found someone who is perfect for you hun.
So sweet and so familiar. I too love to read through old conversations of Master T. and myself. Our romance also started online. We knew we loved each other deeply long before we were willing to admit to the outside world that we are a couple. I totally get why you don’t want to share anything with the rest of the world. Those precious words are all yours…
Beautiful photo and such strong words to go with it 🙂
Rebel xox
My man and I also met online and times were difficult due to each of our personal circumstances, both with other partners. Emails for us were also lifelines as our friendship then love unfolded. They are so so personal.
Thank you so much for finding those that you felt that you could share as they are wonderful insights to your love, lust and hunger for each other.
~Mia~ xx
I totally get the ‘should not be shared’ part… and love the bit that you did share.
Sometimes dreams do come true; your story is proof positive 🙂
~Kazi xxx
Ah lovely to see a bit of the beginning of the two of you! Thank you for sharing that! xxx
Very sweet! The picture is so hot, and between it and your emails it’s clear why you ended up together!
I love you both SOO SOO MUCH!!
Jake and I met the old fashioned way. Our relationship developed without letters, texting or email.
To this day we almost never email and our texts are often limited to who is going to pick up the kids.
But I get your reluctance to share your emails. It would be like me sharing our conversations, first kisses and those little moments with everyone. It must be so good to be able to read back through all of that and remember it. Reading your post made me a little sad that I have forgotten so many of those moments.
God, I could have written this myself. So many emotions and circumstances echoed. That damned ocean keeping lovers apart. 😉
gorgeous image – so intimate. Thank you for allowing us into this.
Very lucky guy…
How lovely and so special. Our blog is a journal of our journey. One day, we will go back and read the story of us and sit back in wonder of how it all came to be. In truth, I do that already.
Me too…. I love to look back. It reminds me of how far we have come and all very had to endure and overcome to be together.
All I can do is smile. What a smile.
Oh, as as to your first trip to the US, you forgot about mentioning how you learned to use a cell phone on a sidewalk.
I love reading about you two. I just smiled a goofy smile reading this. My husband was an over the road truck driver for years. He just started coming home everynight. I remeber going two weeks but not as long as you two. You guys are a great love story and I am glad you shared!