15th February 2011
“A view to die for” those are His words, not mine I hasten to add. Every now and then when I take my pictures and send them to Him there will be one that gets a reaction like that, not that He doesn’t seem to love them all but there will be the odd one that gets a more personal reaction from Him than the others. Those pictures I tend to keep private, they tend to take on a more intimate feel to me, maybe because they become attached in my brain with a special moment that has passed between us.
However as time goes by they often filter their way to top of the pile, or suddenly seem to fit a post or a thought I have and then they emerge for their hiding place for all to see and today’s picture is one such example of that.
I took this picture many, many months ago, it is part of a series I took one of which became my signature picture for my blog that you can see at the top right hand side of this page but it was this one that seemed to make it into the special folder, it was this one that he said was “a view to die for”.
Then yesterday on twitter there was a discussion between myself and some other twitter girls about how we all loved those pictured that showed a peek. The ones where a lovely arse shows a peek of what lays between a woman legs and that conversation reminded me of this picture and what better day to reveal it on than wanton Wednesday. I hope it meets with your approval just like it did His all those months ago.
Ps….Don’t forget to check out the other Wanton Wednesday posters.
Absolutely a ‘view to die for’ 🙂 To think you had this hidden away for months, Molly – shame on you
Thanks for sharing xxx
wonderful! Just love that little peek 🙂
OMFG Molly that is a perfect view of both of your uhm love holes. Lol. The name fits perfectly
Morning Juan and thank you very much for such a lovely comment from such a ‘proper’ man.
Molly, I don’t know if this photo is more beautiful or sexy. Definitely both. And in completely different ways. So glad it made it to the top…
That looks amazingly sexy! I love it!
Really nice photo shoot there, very sexy. Thanks for sharing this.
OMG! beautiful pic! make me feel guity! Thankssssss!
Sexy and enticing, Molly. Made me glad to be male 😉 Thanks for sharing your curves with us! 🙂
Molly you have always had perfect flesh: surface, pinkish shade, muscular tone, etc. That shows here.
Your peeks are subtle and sexy. You are aesthetically photogenic and know how to use a camera to capture that beauty and sexiness. You are also a rare human being with the courage to take new steps where others can’t seem to. Some photos really bring all that out and show that indeed you are to die for.
Sensual and raw – a beautiful image Molly!