Happy Birthday Son!

by Molly Moore

17th September 2010

Dear G

Today you are 11. I can’t quite believe to be honest. It seemed like only yesterday I was holding you in my arms for the first time. You stared up at me with this real little frown on your face as if to say, well this all very confusing. You were the most beautiful baby, and that is not just my opinion, everyone said it about you but I was just happy that you were strong and healthy and mine.

Those 11 years seem to have flown by, but yet I can’t really remember what it was like to not have you by my side. I have watched you grow from that tiny baby to an adventurous toddler, (you broke your collar bone at 14 months trying to jump off the steps) then into a little boy and time for school and now here we are and you are nearly as tall as me, only about an inch or 2 go, you weigh nearly what I weigh and we take the same size shoes and yet, you are still my little boy.

I don’t really know why I am writing this today, I feel like it is time to start explaining the world a bit better to you now, I feel like I have something important to tell you but I don’t really know what it is, so you will have to forgive me if I ramble a little, I am just writing and letting the words to you flow.

Life has changed a great deal for all of us over the last few years and I know that we have had our tough moments but I want you to know that no matter where I am, or what I am doing I love you and I will always be here for you if you need me. I am so proud of you, my son. You are strong, clever, street wise, sensitive, and caring. You are articulate, determined, stubborn even sometimes, brave and many, many other things beside.

I want you to carry on growing up G, developing and changing, learning and understanding the world around you and the people in it. Always remember that it is the people we love that are most important in life. One of the things I most admire about you is the way you make friends and your loyalty to them once you have them. Don’t ever under estimate that skill you have, it will stand in you in good stead throughout your life. Trust me on that one, being a likable chap will get you much further in life than having a posh car, or a smart suit, or the latest gadget. All nice things I grant you, but if the person who has them is a twat, it is that fact about them that will be remembered, not what phone they had.

I can image you tuning out now as you read this and thinking yeah, yeah Mum, but that phone I showed you is just sooooo cool but maybe one day ,in the future when you are just a tiny bit older (say 45?! LOL) you might get this letter out and read it again and think, wow, now I know what she was rambling on about.

I love you son, even when you are driving me potty nagging for ice cream or chocolate, even when you leave you shoes EVERYWHERE, even when you forget your stuff, even when you are late home from the park, even when you are grumpy, even then, I love you and don’t you ever let anyone tell you anything different!

I wonder if you are squirming yet and thinking….oh God Mum, stop it please. Is this letter like the time I kissed you in play ground and you wished the ground would open up and swallowed you? Sorry about that by the way! Anyway, I shall stop now, but not before I say, happy 11th birthday my son.


Ps…PLEASEEEEEEEEEE pick up your shoes!!!

And todays song choice is chosen by my son, as his current favourite, the title is appropriate really as, oh boy, he can be a beautiful monster at times!

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V September 17, 2010 - 9:04 am

Tight hugs to G 😀

I hope I get to meet your children the next time.


aphrodite645 September 18, 2010 - 8:21 pm

What a wonderful post Molly. Our children are precious and I believe it is our role in their lives to support them to become the person they most desire to be and that being true to ones own nature is paramount.

Aphrodite xxx

LambChop September 19, 2010 - 11:42 pm

Awwww, so sweet. Mine are mostly grown and some days it breaks my heart I love them so much.


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