What is all this juice and all this joy? ~ Gerard Manley Hopkins Fancy a Skrue?
J is for Jizz… all fucking over me please. If I had to write a top ten list of my kinks Jizz would have to be on that list. In …
There is something so utterly delicious about getting a man to the edge of his orgasm with your hand and your mouth. Listening to the noises he makes as your …
Sometimes my images here, in fact most of my images here have some kind of photographic, artistic element and sometimes they are just gratuitous filth. Hopefully even then there is …
I am a self-confessed cumslut. I am a self-confessed lover of cock. I love it when he stands or kneels over me and cums on me. I love seeing his …
“Kneel down my pretty slut” There are a multitude of different versions of this sentence but when said to me by Michael they all have the same effect. My eyes …
“What do you want for dinner?” “Ohhh, something yummy.” “Yes, but what kind of something yummy?” “I don’t know, something that you cook which is yummy.” “Sigh” *** “Where do …
I wait on the bed for you while you finish your shower. The sound of the water running is soothing but then it stops and I know you will be …
If had to have just one kink then I think cum, sticky creamy male semen would have to be it. Luckily I am allowed more than one kink but this …
Spread your love over me, onto my lips and chin Watch it… Run, in little rivulets down my neck and across my chest leaving silver trails in its wake. Decorating …
10 ThingsAbout MollyDom/Submy picturesOralWicked Wednesday
10 Things About His Orgasms
by Molly Moore15th May 2013 The prompt this week for Wicked Wednesday is orgasms. As I have previous written a ’10 Things about my Orgasms’ post that I recommend you read if …
my picturesOralOrgasm DenialSpankingWank Wednesdaywanton wednesday
Only The Beginning
by Molly Moore18th January 2012 Settling down in front of my computer on Saturday morning with the taste of his cock still lingering on my tongue and his cum just starting to …
When I saw the prompt for Wicked Wednesday this week (using semen in recipes) I immediately thought of this post I wrote a couple of years ago. Rather than re-posting …
15th July 2011 Day 4 of the task was to masturbate for 16 minutes without cumming but I had a brain wave and asked Sir if I could wear the …