This morning

by Molly Moore
Molly laying in bed topless. The coers are pulled back and we can see her breast and also a tabby cat is sitting on her tummy staring straight at her for post called this morning

“There is nowhere morning does not go.” ~ Leah Hager Cohen

I took these pictures this morning. When I wrote the prompt for Sinful Sunday I promised myself that I would do that. Take the pictures in bed on the morning I was going to post them and just see what would be.

As you can see we had company. Most morning the dog also joins us. It is rare for him not to be there but this morning he had gone downstairs to shout at some squirrels in the garden and so it was just the three of us. As you can see Rita thought taking pictures was not the best use of my time and it should be spent stroking her.

Molly laying in bed topless. The covers are pulled back and we can see her breasts and Michael laying next to her with one arm up over his face also a tabby cat is sitting on her tummy leaning down into her hand for post called this morning

I never used to be a morning person. I always said I was a night owl. I would stay up until 12am or later and so tend to sleep in and struggle getting up when it was time but in recent years that has changed slightly. One reason is the dog as he needs to go and do his morning pee but also I just seem to wake up earlier and the result is we go to bed much earlier than we used to. Also now Michael goes out to work, rather than working at home, week days we are up and out the door at 7.30am.

However he has had the last two weeks off work and it has been absolutely blissful basically having our weekend mornings every day for two weeks. I know next week is going to be a shock to the system but I refuse to give up these last two precious slow mornings trying to get back into our routine.

I actually took about 8 pictures this morning. Lots of them have a cat blocking the camera or are blurred as she kept knocking my hand in an attempt to get me to pet her but I really liked these three and so decided to post them all. Obviously the star of the show is Rita but I also loved this final shot of my sitting up. You can see Michael reading behind me, the light is lovely and also I really like that you can clearly see my HRT patch on my thigh. No editing just me, him and Rita. Good morning!

Molly naked sitting up on bed. The duvet in her lay. We are looking directly down on her, Her head is tilted ack and we can see a small smile on her lips and down to her breasts. Behind her is Michael's hand holding his phone and on her thigh is a HRT patch for post called This Morning
Sinful Sunday badge pink lips with the words Sinful Sunday on them

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Ken Benoit January 4, 2025 - 4:58 pm

Hi there. Lovely photos today. seeing your photographs. Enjoy your last days of sleeping is good to rest the body and soul

Sid January 4, 2025 - 5:33 pm

Are you sure that kitty isn’t going in for a perky nip lick?!
Great photos

Jerbear January 4, 2025 - 5:46 pm

I love your pussy! It’s so cute.

Monstrous Jaffa January 4, 2025 - 6:20 pm

Those shared moments at the start of the day – so special, to be treasured……

Molly Moore January 5, 2025 - 9:14 pm

Absolutely, so very special

Amy January 5, 2025 - 12:48 pm

This post captures such a beautiful and intimate slice of life—the quiet joy of slow mornings, the warmth of companionship (both human and furry!), and the authenticity of being in the moment. I love how you’ve embraced this space as it is, unedited and real. The light, the tenderness, and even Rita’s insistence on being the center of attention—it all feels so relatable and comforting. Thank you for sharing this glimpse into your mornings—it’s inspiring to see the beauty in the everyday. ❤️

Molly Moore January 5, 2025 - 9:13 pm

Thank you for this lovely comment. And slow mornings are definitely the best type of mornings

Modesty Ablaze January 5, 2025 - 1:51 pm

Mmm … very cosy!!!

But doesn’t it get a little crowded sometimes?

Xxx – K

Molly Moore January 5, 2025 - 9:12 pm

Haha, sometimes!

Cookie January 5, 2025 - 3:42 pm

No editing required, very sexy! x

Bibulous January 5, 2025 - 5:03 pm

A lively spontaneous series of images.

slave sindee January 7, 2025 - 6:27 am

Happy New Year

Bee January 10, 2025 - 5:55 pm

Ah yes, the furry morning friend is definitely a lovely way to wake up, although mine is usually screeching at me to get my lazy arse out of bed so he can have a post shower cuddle…no idea why that’s a thing but cats!

Julie January 13, 2025 - 2:29 pm

I’m so behind with my commenting….Love this and actually all morning images as we face what we hope will be a great new day. Definitely good to have those together times, even if there aren’t nearly enough of them these days!


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