Trolling the Net #13

by Molly Moore
qwerty keyboard Trolling Net 34# #SSoS

And another working week staggers to a close….

1. If you have been a regular reader of my blog then you will hopefully know the name “Pieces of Jade”. A long time sex blogger and very good friend of mine. You may also know that recently she closed her blog down. This was as a result of one her partners becoming gravely ill which is terrible enough in itself, but now Jade is faced with being separated from the man she loves by a family who have taken against her. As a result she is now in need of some help to pay for the mounting legal costs involved with gaining access to see W and that is where you come in. Please take a few moments to read this heartbreaking story (scroll down past the thank you for the original post) and if you can spare a few bucks please consider helping my beautiful friend put this terrible wrong, right. I am aware the GoFundMe has reached and exceeded its target but to be honest, $3000 is only a drop in the ocean when it comes to paying for legal help. Even if you can’t make a donation then you can still help by spreading the word about the appeal and help my beautiful friend be reunited with her beloved W

Let Love Conquer All Appeal

2. Have you been following the saga of the Clean Reader app? An app designed to clean up books for you so you are no longer faced with having to reading any of those words that might be icky for you. The Clean Reader will change them all for you into what it deems to be ‘cleaner’ language, in the process ignoring what the author intended the reader to read. The app has, for now, no books available after a huge uprising by authors.

The following two pieces of writing both by Remittance Girl centre around the issues and debate that this app has inspired. Whether you are a reader, writer or both these pieces will make you think about the role of a writer and the complex relationship between author and reader.

Clean Reader’s Profound Illiteracy: The Consumption of the Text

The Relationship between Authors, Books, and Readers: #CleanReader Redux

3. Be warned, the next link is to one of those places where you can accidentally waste an hour or possible two of your life. This is why I’m broke is a product aggregator collecting up the weird, wonderful and down right insanely expensive, often utterly useless, products that you never knew you wanted, or in many cases are astounded even existed. For example how about a Bubble Tent for $1,700, Gentleman’s Ball Scratcher for $15.54, A Pooping Dog Calendar for $12.99, or maybe some Bacon Condoms for $9.99. However I did also find myself seriously considering making a purchase, these Black Dyed Pencils for $0.99 are definitely calling to me as is this Cookie Bowl Mold for $18.90.  Depending on your budget I am pretty sure you will end up being tempted by something utterly insane but rather cool on this site.

4. While you are indulging in some fantasy shopping you could combine it with some listening as there is also a new episode of the KissCast out featuring myself and Kayla Lords. We had a wonderful time together recording this and really did talk and talk, as a result it is the longest episode on the KissCast to date.

5. This week’s video is a little longer than previous ones I have posted. It is a TED talk by Susan Cain called The Power of Introverts. I am, despite what many people believe, an introvert. I need the quiet, the solitude, the ‘peace’ to be able to think and to function. I like being with people but I also need time on my own to recharge my brain ready for the next social encounter. I can identify with so much of what Susan Cain describes here about her own experiences as an introvert and I think her observations about work place environments and especially schools is absolutely spot on. The kids who are being bullied, being over looked by the teacher, being rejected as the ‘odd ball’  are all introverts. As for what is in my bag (you will have to watch the video to understand that sentence fully) that would be my camera.

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Kayla Lords March 27, 2015 - 11:44 pm

I watched her Ted talk and read her book, Quiet (with a subtitle that I can never remember). It was very powerful for me. I knew I was introvert, but I never considered all the things about myself that made up that description. I’m now weirdly proud of my introversion. 🙂

Molly Moore March 27, 2015 - 11:50 pm

I have not read the book but just listening to her talk made me feel proud of my introversion. I actually think it is a really positive thing in my life but as a child and a young adult that is a message I never received, instead I was labelled ‘shy’ and ‘standoffish’.


Velvet Rose March 28, 2015 - 11:23 pm

I’ve sent a small donation to help Jade. This is such an incredibly sad and frustrating situation to find oneself in and I sincerely hope that justice prevails.

Velvet x


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