I do so love opening up my email in the morning and discovering that someone has sent me another Pussy Pride piece. Without regular contributions to the project there would not be a project. For it to continue to be relevant, to grow and to provide information on a large amount of experiences and viewpoints there needs to be people joining in.
In this case I am really excited to publish a wonderful his and hers piece by Jane from Behind The Chintz Curtain and her lovely husband M. What I really love about what they have written is how Jane appears to have a more critical self-image about her pussy whereas M clearly only sees something beautiful, attractive and desirable. I think this is actually a very common thing, particularly with women. We are often far more critical of our own bodies and see things in a more negative critical light. Learning to see ourselves through other people’s eyes can often be a very liberating. I love the way M writes about Jane, there is something deeply intimate and passionate about his words and I think the way he feels about her really shines through.
Pussy Pride: A changing landscape
When I was growing up, the Internet was still relatively new. We didn’t have a computer in the house (my dad thought they were ‘a passing fad’) and, consequently, I didn’t really learn how to find my way around one until I went to university. In fact, I was well into my early twenties before I actually figured out how to get on the Web and use one of those new fangled search engine thing-a-me-bobs. Needless to say, I didn’t have any exposure to online porn and its so-called ‘perfect pussies’ until much later in life, when my feelings about my body were well and truly formed.
My opinion of my pussy in my younger years? Well, it was just there. Yeah, I looked at it with a mirror a few times (mainly because I discovered my clitoris at a relatively early age through horse riding and couldn’t work out what the hell was causing those nice feelings) but, in the main, it was the place between my legs. I started getting bikini waxes in my teens – mainly because I swam a lot and hated the everyday hassle of shaving – but, other than that, I don’t think it ever occurred to me to be embarrassed about my pussy or consider too deeply how it might look in comparison to others’. In fact, I recall that I spent far more time worrying about the size of my boobs.
Did my perceptions change as I moved into my late mid-to-late teens and twenties? Not that I can recall. I started having sex and, really, the last thing on my mind was the look of my vulva and vagina. I saw a few porn pussies and was a bit ‘so what?’. Mine seemed to work and produce nice feelings – as far as I was concerned, that was good enough! I must confess, I did begin taking all the hair off it in my mid-twenties but that was because I liked the increased sensitivity, the feeling of being more exposed to my husband, both physically and visually, rather than the result of my desire to look like an adult film star.
All that said, however, one of the things that I have always found difficult in relation to my girly parts is having a man go down on me. I don’t consider myself to be a particularly shy person (I’m perfectly happy to take my pants off for my waxer, for example, and will merrily chat away while lying half-naked on her treatment table like a spatchcock chicken) but, for some reason, this particular act makes me feel more vulnerable than any other. In fact, before my husband, I could probably count on one hand the number of men I’ve let perform cunnilingus on me. And I’ve actually gotten a little worse about this as I’ve gotten older – not better! How does that work when you’ve been married for over a decade and have a partner who knows your body inside and out? It’s crazy, but even though I know that M enjoys the act, that it turns him on, I still find I cannot silence the anxieties.
Perhaps it’s because I worry that he saw me pre-children, before I became asymmetrical and scarred. Perhaps it’s because I worry that I’m not as good as I used to be inside before two seven plus pound kids flew out. Perhaps it’s because I’ve lost some of the sensitivity I used to have in certain areas (I was unfortunate enough to suffer some damage near my clitoris during childbirth and, as a result, I tend to need more stimulation than a tongue and lips can provide.) I used to worry a lot about taste, too, but M has been trying to get me over this by making me sample myself. He will often have me lick and kiss his lips when he’s had them pressed between my legs, or tell me suck on his fingers when they’ve been inside me.
I like my pussy. She has given me a wonderful sex life and two beautiful children. But, when things get up close and personal, I still worry about her a little. I’ve changed over time – and so has she.
Although Jane is very relaxed and open-minded when it comes to sex, sexuality and kink, she has, oddly, always been very shy about me going down on her. For some reason, she always worries about taste and smell – two things I’ve never have had an issue with. I remember the first time I tried to perform oral sex there was considerable resistance and, for quite a while after our inaugural session, we had virtual “tug of wars” going on, with me trying to go down and her trying to pull me back up.
If a pussy is healthy – by which I mean no infections or imbalances – then it tastes and smells fantastic. What does Jane taste like to me? She often asks me this. Like her, only more so. It’s hard to describe. All women have their own particular flavour and scent and neither is unpleasant; when they’re aroused, both are very (very) exiting and stimulating and, as far as turn-ons go, nothing beats burying your face is a really wet, excited pussy, giving it a good tongue-lashing, and knowing it was you that got the juices flowing.
Visually, I don’t think Jane’s changed as much over the years as she thinks she has. Her inner lips have gotten a bit more pronounced after childbirth but, apart from that, there’s little difference from what I can tell, in both look and feel, from the first time I saw her. The scarring? I struggle to see it. As far as the hair or no hair question goes, I have to say that I do love it when Jane’s completely waxed; for a start, it’s nice to see what is happening down there (I like the view) and she’s much more sensitive to my tongue, fingers and toys when she’s bare.
What do I like best about Jane’s pussy? That it’s part of her; I don’t have a favourite bit – I just like the whole deal. It’s as much mine as it is hers.
You can read lots more about Jane and M by clicking the image below and visiting her in her very own blogging home…. and I highly recommend you do!
1 comment
This is a beautiful post and I love how supportive M is towards Jane’s insecurities.
Sometimes I don’t think that we women always appreciate how exciting our pussies are to our men and how it makes them feel to watch how, what they do to our pussies, turns us into panting heaving wrecks sometimes!!! 🙂
~Mia~ xx