Paris (Part 4) Pictures

by Molly Moore
Frech cake shop

13th December

I have finally got round to sorting out some of my pictures from Paris. I know it’s been nearly 3 weeks now but I have been busy OK, so don’t give me that look. Anyway, I have a fair few but I am not going to share them all with you, just a select few to show you that I was really there, or should I say we were really there. Oh and sorry to disappoint but these are the clean ones, you will have to remain even more patient for the naughty ones……maybe check back on Wednesday to see how wanton I am feeling, you might get to see a different view of Paris then.

Notra DameNotre Dame – Doesn’t need me to say anything really apart from the fact that this picture does not do its beauty justice.






Hand Sculptures in ParisI found these sculptures under the trees at the end of the Jardin de le Tuiliers. I thought they were very beautiful, I am a big lover of hands, and of course one of the best things to do with hands, is hold someone else’s, which is why I think I liked this sculpture so much.





Bad parking in ParisHere is the evidence to back up my previous statement that parking in Paris is insane, this car is parked right here, over the pedestrian crossing and on the corner with its nose slightly sticking out into the other road and this was not a one off, we saw many cases of ‘interesting’ parking. In London this car would have been given a ticket, clamped, towed away and probably blown up by the bomb squad, just to make sure, all in about 10 minutes of it being left, in Paris…..not so much.


Frech cake shopNow for some food porn, and NO ONE makes patisseries like the French, they have turned it into an art form, a deliciously melt in the mouth, too many to choose from, art form and oddly enough, we found food and drink to be very expensive but not the cream cakes. I bought myself a strawberry Mille Feuille that was the size of a house brick, for the bargain price of 3 Euros……no photo of this wonderful delicacy, I was too busy eating it and only realised I should have snapped a picture once it was all gone. It was yum though if that’s any consolation. Anyway, here is one of the many cake shop windows that caught this cream cake lover’s eye.

View from Eiffel Tower at nightThe view from the 1st platform of the Eiffel Tower, I am so glad we went at night, for some reason it felt so very romantic. He maybe my Dom but he is also the most romantic man I have ever met.





And finally a teaser for you, and yes this is us at the VERY top of the Eiffel Tower. We had to asking some passing strangers to help us out with this picture, but I am glad we did, it was a moment I never ever want to forget.

Molly and Michael effiel tower

So there you have it, there are more, but I am sooooo not going to bore you with them……..normal kinky sluttly service should be resumed shortly but be warned, more non kinks posts may well appear soon and for that you can blame……on second thoughts, I shall not name names.


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1 comment

LambChop December 14, 2010 - 6:41 pm

Gorgeous, thanks for sharing!! 😀


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