Happy Birthday Sir!

by Molly Moore
Happy birthday written on pussy

Happy Birthday Sir

20th October 2010

Happy Birthday Sir

Today is your birthday (I know, pointing out the obvious) and I am sorry that I can’t be with you. If circumstances had worked out a little differently I may well have been arriving tomorrow but for now that cannot happen. I wanted to be by your side, waking up next to you, taking you in my mouth and sucking on your cock until you exploded in my throat and then slipping out of bed and into the shower with you, before heading out for a big breakfast at the diner. Sounds like heaven don’t you think? Maybe next year, Oh God I so hope next year it will be like that.

In exactly one month today and you will be here with me in my home and I cannot wait. I think the timing works well as it means that if we  just reschedule your birthday by exactly a month then you can have your birthday gift then. I will turn up at the airport to meet you in some appropriately slutty packaging that I hope you will enjoy unwrapping once you get me home.

I am watching you work as I write this, listening to you getting all the non techie numptys sorted out. I find myself fascinated, watching you as you explain to them what it is they need to be doing to make things work properly. As you smile up at the screen, I fall in love with you all over again, that smile is intoxicating. That happens to me a lot you know, most days in fact, I fall in love with you again and again. Every time I see you, every time I hear you, every moment that we spend together, there will be a moment when I think, wow, my heart just flipped out all over again.

I love you Sir, I love your humour, your intelligence, your passion, your patience, you determination, your strength and your crazy brain. I love the way you taste, the way you smell, the way your hair starts to curl as it grows longer, and the little scar beside your ear. I love you way you touch me, the way your hands feel on my body, the way you make me feel, the passion you have for me, the way you kiss me and the way you look at me, as if you feel the need to devour me. I love the way you listen to me, the way you teach me, the way you encourage me and challenge me, the way you nurture me,  guide me and push me on to be all that I can be.

I am trying so hard not to cry as I write this for you. I miss you so much Sir. I know I am lucky, I get to see you and hear you every day, but there are times when the urge to just crawl through my computer and be with you, if only for a few moments, is almost overwhelming. I know we have a journey to travel together until the day comes when we can be with each other forever and I am trying my best sir, to be strong. I just seem to have lost my little light at the end of the tunnel at the moment. Please forgive me my weak moments.

I hope you have a lovely day today and I hope that we get to spend it together as much as possible. I wonder what your son got you and I wonder if your daughter was in on it too. I wonder what movie we will watch and I wonder if even though we are not side by side I can hopefully make this special day one you will cherish and remember and I hope that if you hang on just one more month I will give you as many birthday delights as you are prepared to spank out of me and if there is one thing I wish for you today, it that you never ever have another birthday without me by your side, where I belong.



Ps…. or is that a wish for me?! LOL Oh well, I think the picture below might be something you do wish for……



And of course, not only is it His birthday but it is also Wanton Wednesday……..

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nitebyrd October 20, 2010 - 9:17 pm

You certainly know how to start off on Wanton Wednesday! Lovely pictures!

mollyskiss October 20, 2010 - 9:36 pm

Thank you for coming to look and glad you approve, I thought I would pop my wanton wednesday cherry in style!


SlipperyWhnWhet October 20, 2010 - 11:13 pm

Very nice, and soon all this time apart will only be a memory.

mollyskiss October 20, 2010 - 11:55 pm

I sure hope so……


Aurore October 22, 2010 - 3:31 am

Well this is a great WW debut. Such a lovely tribute to your Sir.

LambChop October 28, 2010 - 7:33 pm

Awwww, so sweet. I am NOT. GOING. TO. CRY.
What lovely birthday wishes, Molly!

nopantsendurance January 3, 2020 - 11:54 pm

I can’t imagine a luckier birthday boy!


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