24th July 2010
Once upon a time in a Lusty land far away I meet a man who made me giggle. It was nothing more than that, a short friendship that came about mainly because of his willy. His name is Savageminstrel (well not the one on his birth certificate obviously, but the one I knew him by) and one day he posted a link to a YouTube clip of him singing a quaint little ditty called The Limerick Song. It made me giggle. It’s a fantastic little number but it’s not just the word of the song it his delivery of them that just makes me giggle every time I watch it. The twinkle in his eye and the times when he is stifling his own giggle never fail to make me smile and I am sure it is a clip which could brighten even the moodiest of my reader (do I have moody reader readers I wonder?). I’d all but forgotten this clip until the other day when I saw the name Savageminstrel and a smile broadened my face with the memory. So I thought I would share and spread a little giggle with you all dear readers. I hope it brightens your day!
Ps….If you are out there Savvy, come by sometime and maybe we can Waltz again around another chat room that lurks nearby, oh, and I hope you don’t mind me pimping your clip. LOL xxx
Ahh Molly, darlin’… you make my day every time I see you. I am glad you liked my wee ditty. I wish I could say it was mine, but it isn’t, I adapted it from a very common version all of us musicians do at The Michigan Renaissance Festival, i just used my favorite Limericks.
I am performing in Second Life now, for the most part, and have finally started posting vids again.
Thanks for the nod, my dear sweet friend. I hope to talk to you soon.
Savvy, oh my old buddy, it’s been too long. THIS is a piece of work, OUTSTANDING. If I ever learn to play guitar, THIS will be done around campfires, always with a nod to you. I laughed so hard I could not stand.