“Look at yourself in the mirror and don’t be afraid to notice how beautiful you are.” ~ Yoko Ono I have been thinking all week about what I was going …
Sinful Sunday
Stand aback from my windmill!” ~ Lara Biyuts A couple of weekends ago we went away for a few days with a some friends. There was seven of us in …
Oh Sun, find your way to my tired eyesand frozen skin. Bathe me in you andshake free the frozen from those fingers.I am waiting,I am here~ Tyler Knott Gregson
“Anytime that is ‘betwixt and between’ or transitional is the faeries’ favorite time. They inhabit transitional spaces: the bottom of the garden, existing in a space between man-made cultivation and …
“The yellow glistens.It glistens with various yellows,Citrons, oranges and greensFlowering over the skin.”~ Wallace Stevens In my old house I had this beautiful yellow rose. It is called a Rosa …
There are daysI have been the thirstand dayswhen I have been the waterbut the daysI love myself the mostare the days I am both”~ Why I am Magic by Nikita …
“all the wordsall the poemsknowmy warm, soft spots.”~ Sanober Khan It was my birthday on Friday. I was 52. It is a surprising age to find myself. One moment you …
“Are you taking us to the beach?” ~ Jude Watson Why yes I most definitely am. There will be low tide, vast expanses of beach and a sky filled with …
“Contrast is what makes photography interesting.” ~ Conrad Hall The prompt for Sinful Sunday this month is High Contrast images/photography. I actually had a few black and white shots already …
“I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before …
“To be a femme fatale you don’t have to be slinky and sensuous and disastrously beautiful, you just have to have the will to disturb.”~ Alice Munro
“Come to the woods, for here is rest. There is no repose like that of the green deep woods.” ~ John Muir Recently I was going through my Scavenger Hunt …
“But now all I can think about are the sins I want to commit with my tongue. They are many.”~ Sierra Simone “Tell me” she says as she crouches beside …
Sexy because… That is the prompt on Sinful Sunday this month. Yes I write the prompts so you would have thought I would have my posts all planned out, sometimes …
“She was a wicked thing sometimes. All full of want. As if the shape of the world depended on her mood. As if she were important.”― Patrick Rothfuss