Last Days

by Molly Moore
Molly sitting in woods in white lingerie throwing up handful of golden autumn leaves

“How beautiful the leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.” ~ John Burroughs

I was browsing through some photography folders this afternoon, the one titled Autumn for obvious reasons seemed a good place to start when I spotted this image and realised for reasons that I have no idea what they are I never posted this shot before.

Looking at it now I wonder if I set it aside because I didn’t like my face in it. A bit like Storm from Vanilla Free Sex who talked about her worries about her face, in particular her resting bitch face, in her Sinful Sunday last week, I often have similar feelings about my face. I look too serious, or bored or I have managed to capture the exact moment I closed my eyes. With time comes better clarity and if i thought that back then I don’t see it now. Or maybe I just thought I looked lumpy in this image. Again, I don’t think that now, I think I look like a voluptuous wench. All boobs and thighs!

I do remember that I took a lot of images of that day trying to get the leaves falling around me. I wanted them to be raining down and maybe it is the fact that I didn’t quite get what I imagined at the time that had me casting this photo to one side. Stumbling across it today though I had none of those disappointments. Quite the opposite in fact. I was somewhat baffled by my former critical self. I actually spent a long time looking at it wondering which of the possible reasons I had given myself for not sharing it but then I realised it didn’t matter because I didn’t delete it. Which means somewhere in me even back then I knew it had merit. I just needed time to see it properly.

Sinful Sunday badge

Just a little reminder that nominations for the Top 100 Sex Blogs is currently open on my site. There are also new category rounds where you can nominate your own individual posts in different categories. But there is only a week left to make your suggestions.

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Ogden October 23, 2021 - 7:36 pm

Lovely Molly! I’d like to see more from this series

Bee October 26, 2021 - 5:52 pm

You make the perfect buxom wench!

The barefoot sub November 7, 2021 - 10:46 am

This is a gorgeous photo Molly.

I get the worry about faces too. I always seem to look like I’m scowling or bored! (Or smiling too much for the moment)


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