Turns out my laptop screen and I have something in common. We are both utterly filthy. I took this picture on my phone because I liked the reflection of my in the screen. It was not until I got home and looked at it on a bigger screen that I realised just how dirty the screen was which oddly seemed appropriate considering the picture. If you look into the little blue man you can just make out my nipple but bonus points for spotting and naming the sex toy in the image.
Is it a strap on?
Deliciously dirty.
Missy x
Nope, you are looking in the wrong place I think
Nothing like a complete shift in location to reset your brain and wash out the cobwebs.
So very true
I am happy you are happy. I had no doubt.
So glad that Miami helped you feel happy and at peace with your decisions and needs!
Thank you lovely
That is so funny – looks like the little blue man is sucking your nipple 😉
and clarity is good – good wishes sent your way x
An interesting photo and a great reflection. Other than the dildo I can’t make out any other toy in the image :/
Rebel xox
This reminds me of those shop window competitions I did as a kid where you had to search for ages to find the thing which wasn’t meant to be there. I am really pleased that you have some clarity and peace and that your trip was a success. Change always sits a little uncomfortably in the beginning but in time it usually becomes a much better fit. I wish you all the the best. Sexy reflection, even with the filth lol
I can’t make anything much out from my screen but I like what you have done. I’m pleased that they time away has given you space and the ability to have some clarity about the future. xxx
First and foremost I’m glad that you’re ok, and happy and at peace and that your break gave you the time and space to find the clarity you needed. There is need to rush to share. I love this image due to all the layers, and the slightly fun and comical aspect too. A lovely combination Molly x
I’m glad you’ve enjoyed your trip, and the image is terrific.
I am glad your trip brought peace and clarity, I hope you can put it into practice in a way that brings the same to others involved.
Love this image, the way it can be searched for details. I adore those white lace panties though – they look very alluring.
This is a very clever picture although I suspect the little blue man to take advantage of his position, ha! I am so glad to hear that you are at a good place, and I am curious to read more about this new Molly!
Oh yes, my screen is dirty too. Probably all the filth I write and all the dirty photos I share on it. 😉 Glad you’ve gotten some clarity. A little time and space is good for that.
I’m glad you were able to get that clarity. I think my screen is even filthier than I am, amazing huh? I haven’t yet spotted the sex toy, perhaps because my attention is still on your nipple…
can I see a piece of glass on the keyboard?
Ps. I am glad you are doing ok <3 x