I have had my ‘M’ tattoo for a 2 years now. I got it on one of my trips to Philadelphia to visit Sir. I have loved it since the moment it was etched into my skin. It has many meanings to the both of us and is a very personal mark. Yesterday we finally took the step to get another very personal mark.
When we got married last summer the reading we had at the ceremony was this…
“A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we’re pretending to be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one person we’re safe in our own paradise. Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we’re two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we’ve found the right person. Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life.” ~ Richard Bach
It fits us perfectly, we are soul mates and the lock and key metaphor seemed to hint beautifully at our D/s relationship. Yes he holds the key and I am the lock but without them fitting together both are fairly useless. It is all very well having the key, often seen as the more powerful of the two items, but without a lock that it fits into then it is just as useless as a lone key.
I have spent months and months looking for a design that we liked but in the end the answer lay in a pair of earrings and a great tattoo artist (Max at Pure Colours Tattoo in St. Albans) who transformed them into the vision that we described to him.
They might not be the most extraordinary tattoos but to us they are exactly what we wanted, small, subtle and perfectly placed.
They are positioned on the inside of our wrists so that when we hold hands, which we do a lot, they will lay side by side…. soppy I know…. but we love ’em so who cares what you think 😉
Oh and I have started writing my Christmas present list…. I just need to make a decision about what I want and where it is going to go.
Ps… Click on the icon below to see who else is joining in with Sinful Sunday
Love them! Very appropriate and meaningful! 🙂
Those are utterly gorgeous!
xx Dee
Oh, what a brilliant idea! and not soppy at all but appropriately romantic 🙂
~Kazi xxx
What a lovely idea !
I think the symbolism is perfect! And indeed, it doesn’t matter what anyone says, as long as you are happy with it! That’s the most important 😀
Rebel xox
Beautiful. The images, the symbolism, the originality and the subtlety. Quite lovely. x
There is nothing soppy about this. I think it’s exquisite and beautiful. Very heart-warming. <3
I love them, very sweet and meaningful 😀
NK x
Those are so awesome. Very sweet. 🙂
What a perfect idea for tatoos! I love the images.
Perfect – simples…
~MIa~ xx
I like when tattoos have special meanings.
They are absolutely perfect. Something delightfully understated, non-‘showey’ but the say it all. Well chosen indeed. I love that last image
OMGosh! This is absolutely perfect! Aw you two!
Soppy? Not at all. This is deeply meaningful, something anyone who’s ever been in love can understand. Your tattoos are perfect symbols of your connection and your love.
Oh, I love this…I think it is absolutely *perfect*.
They’re really beautiful! I’ll have to remember that link when I finally decide what I want tattooed on my skin.
And soppy is as soppy does; it’s the thought that counts. And the thought is beautiful too.
this is a lovely tattoo!