
by Molly Moore
Abstract photograph image of nipple and hands

Last weekend I got to take fabulous images of other people’s boobs. To see those pop over to Hy’s blog because they are absolutely awesome and I am very proud of them. Sadly, time did not allow me to set up so I could actually be in the image and so my boobs do not feature and despite taking some other images over the weekend none of them either featured any Molly boobs. However my talk on photography on the Saturday did.

I used this rather nondescript image that I took on my camera phone in the car and sent to @domsigns just because I could, to illustrate one of the funky editing apps that you can use to edit your images.

Molly Pinching nipple imageUsing Mirror Image by Lyrebird Studio I transformed it into a funky abstract image. As a general rule I don’t tend to manipulate my images that much but it is fun now and then to have a play around and see what weird and wonderful things happen and anyway I am fairly sure there is not enough abstract art made out of boobs

Abstract photograph of nipple and handsBoobday Badge

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Clive May 27, 2016 - 8:04 pm

Great image! It really draws you in to work out what’s going on. A bit like a jigsaw puzzle in reverse 🙂

Marie Rebelle May 27, 2016 - 9:28 pm

I am just mesmerized by the second image. I keep on staring at it!

Rebel xox

Mrs Fever May 27, 2016 - 9:39 pm


Is not remotely what I expected your source image to be.

*furrowed brow*

Technology puzzles me. But occasionally it does very cool things. 🙂 Fun photo!

Elliott Henry May 28, 2016 - 4:50 am

Wow… that is something… Kaleidoboobs!

gausan May 28, 2016 - 10:26 am

The second image is two in one and it means a company of four boobies. Nice imagination and well designed photography


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