Tiny Details

by Molly Moore
Topless molly in sunlight with shadow of her body on the bed beside her and light showing tiny details on her skin

It’s Friday which means it is the day of the week that Hyacinth Jones encourages everyone to celebrate the wonderfulness that are boobs. I often struggle with how my body looks and the fact that over the last couple of years I have put on a bit of weight but even when I am feeling really crappy about my body that never seems to extend to my tits. I love my breasts, even though one is visibly bigger than other, they have little stretch marks, which are reminders of happy breast-feeding days, and gravity is not being that kind to them. There are many things about my body that in a fantasy world I might consider changing but my boobs are not one of those things. They are definitely not perfect but their imperfections are merely tiny details rather than dark shadows.

Topless molly in sunlight with shadow of her body on the bed beside her

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HappyComeLucky February 3, 2017 - 4:37 pm

I love the way we explore your body and then your nipple leads us to explore your shadow. Beautiful.

Malin James February 3, 2017 - 5:28 pm

Molly, the things you do with lighting and a lens are beautiful. This is such a beautiful thing.

fridayam February 3, 2017 - 6:19 pm

This a beautiful composition Molly 🙂 x

Modesty Ablaze February 3, 2017 - 7:30 pm

We all have hang-ups about our body don’t we? But as you so rightly say “tiny details” are not important . . . it is our heart and soul and mind that make us who we are.

And, anyway, I love this photo . . . the shadows and silhouette . . . so much to look at over and over again.

Xxx – K

LittleSwitchBitch February 4, 2017 - 7:18 pm

Stunning image. I love your shadow -I love how you have managed to captured your entire body in it

Adrien S February 16, 2017 - 2:34 pm

I like stretch marks.


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